1999 Ford Contour Stereo Information Constant 12V+ Orange/Black Switched 12V+ Blue/Black Ground Black/Green Illumination White/Green Dimmer n/a Antenna Right Rear Front Speakers 5" x 7" Doors Left Front (+) White/Black Left Front (-) Brown/Yellow Right Front (+) White/Red Right Front (-) Brown/Yellow Rear Speakers 5" x 7" Rear Deck Left Rear (+) White/Purple Left Rear (-) Brown/White Right Rear (+) White/Purple Right Rear (-) Brown/White
'99 Ford Contour SE wire colors... 2 blk/grn orng/blck grn/ white blue/ blck blue/red white white/ red white/orng purp/ white green yellow brown light blue/ blck light blue white/ red ornge/ white blck blck /blue
go to the library and look at the Chiltons manual if no one can give you what you need, or just pay to have a shop put it in, they tone generate and test light to find all the right wires. you could take a cordless battery and try and pop to find the speakers. and a test light to find power.