and in my new box im building im putting mirrors in it, what type of glue should i use to reduce the vibrations on the mirrors? my parents said tar, is there anything else that i could use that would be better?
if you have the right tools or skills to use the wrong ones, then its easy to cut it yourself. if now, get the store to cut them. i would reccomend wathing their measurements because i've read a couple people's comments on how stores have screwed up the cuts and then wouldn't take the cut wood back.
i'd use something that will have a lil flex to it even once dried for mirrors inside the box. like tar os silicon. to keep the mirrors from being under any kind of pressure from the wood flexing. never actually put mirrors in a box, so really don't know.
ok, would the silicon stick like the tar would? im pretty sure it would have more give than it, which one would be better? or sohuld i use like culking?
Most stores do not cut exact sizes. Even if they tried their saws are often out of calabration, due to ppl wacking them with lumber carts all day, everyday. Have em rought cut it for you. If you need 24" have em cut it at 25" and make the finish cuts your self with a skil saw. Make this jig for straight cuts.
Also Clear silocone would work best for the mirror. Just put quarter size daps every 6" or so. make em a little high and them put miiror down, but dont press on it. you want it to rest on the blobs of silocone to isolate it from vibes.
yea im having 1 big windo ontip so you can see into it i have pics i just need to get them all together and fin the box you guys will be VERY impressed