wad up tj, i think they do to because when i moved from california to colorado there is a huge alititue and heat diffrence, my subs dont hit has hard as they didnt in cali
Ya i hear temp messes with performance too. I was askin that cuz this weekend i went to my grandmothers house about 140 miles away from my house where it is cooler and higher in alltitude and it seemed like my system was performing better, then i got home where it is fu*kin boilin hot and lower in altitude and i noticed my systems sq and spl didnt sound as good as @ my grandmothers house, especially the sq.
For now ya. U?? Have u hooked em up yet?? I switched to sealed for now and i fu*kin hate the way they sound! I had to though cuz i had no room for my 2 ported enclosures in my little trunk.
pretty much any change to the atmosphere effects sound even tho most are not easily noticed. molecules move more slowly in cold temperatures which causes a slower velocity at which sound is transmitted. which pretty much means the sound moves slower from the speakers to your ears. but once again it is usually not a huge difference from normal listening.