10,000 RMS?? - DUAL ALT??


Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 2936
Registered: Sep-05
hmmm wonder how much that current draw would be...
5Krms is doin good on my 300a, so I was thinking another 300a will push the other 5Krms...

I want to keep my cool winter AC!! too... So ill need some sought of bracket and a longer serpentine belt...
but 600a should take care of 10KRMS...
Now how many batteries will that need?? Im thinking 5-8.....

Silver Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Fredericksburg, Virginia United states

Post Number: 822
Registered: Aug-05
b whut the hell do u plan on doingUpload

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 2267
Registered: Feb-05
10K Wrms is about 770 amps if you actually see every bit of the 10K. but if 5K is doing fine on one 300A alt, then theres no reason why a second 5K amp on a secons 300A alt shouldn't work.

as far as a bracket goes, you'll prob have to custom fab one or have someone do it. hopefully you'll be able to find a belt thats long enough too.

couldn't tell you on the batteries. thats way more power then i've delt with, lol.

and really, what are you trying to do that needs that much power??

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 2985
Registered: Sep-05
yea 2 300s will take care of it just fine, with maybe 4 Kinetiks for batts.. Im sure Nathan will have a braket for me to use.. The longer belt I can find at the Auto store, cause they are numbered by length... so a extra 6" will be good...

Im working on my competition setup... Ill have lots more info at a later date... This will still be daily too.. :-O

Silver Member
Username: Livin_loud


Post Number: 156
Registered: Jan-06
So ear infections just weren't enough huh...

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 2994
Registered: Sep-05
ill use protection this time... :-)

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 2995
Registered: Sep-05
ill also have a new HU with those lil IR remotes with a IR repeater too...

Silver Member
Username: Livin_loud


Post Number: 177
Registered: Jan-06
Hmm, no0b question. Whats an IR repeater? My guess is some type of signal enhancer...

Silver Member
Username: Killerzracing71

Fredericksburg, Virginia United states

Post Number: 827
Registered: Aug-05
no...ir (infa red)signal repeater so he can stand far away n turn on his head unit...with out being in the car

Silver Member
Username: Livin_loud


Post Number: 184
Registered: Jan-06
I knew what IR was, just not the repeater mechanism, but I had the general idea of it I guess

Gold Member
Username: Bestmankind

Los Angeles, CA USA

Post Number: 3992
Registered: Oct-05
why don't you just build a podium to control your stereo. lol.

can't wait to see you put the dual alt setup man. you are going to be so loud.

btw be sure to post pic of your friends 12 15" sub setup. that is going to be a killer.

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3009
Registered: Sep-05
i dont need a podium..
ill have a IR REAPEATER.. :-)
ill keep u posted on that install too..

Eric, yes its a repeater mechanisim, that allows you to use your remote for your hu, anywhere around your car for like 30-40 meters.... so i can be quite far, and turn it up...

Gold Member
Username: Fandim

Reno, Nevada United State...

Post Number: 1049
Registered: Jun-05
B, where do you get those? Does it have to be something the HU comes with?? Or can you somehow make one/buy one? My remote for my deck only works from like, right up close to my car.

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3011
Registered: Sep-05
Seth I think, they are like 30-50$ but well worth it for competitors... they are made to use with different radios, I know the Premier for sure.. Im sure u can design one, if u had enough information about how they work... Ill try to find more info for you..

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3012
Registered: Sep-05
http://cgi.ebay.com/PAC-IR-X-IRX-Infrared-IR-Remote-Eye-Extender-Repeater_W0QQit emZ9726024851QQcategoryZ50546QQcmdZViewItem

Gold Member
Username: Fandim

Reno, Nevada United State...

Post Number: 1061
Registered: Jun-05
cool, thanks B.

Silver Member
Username: Adddisorder

West palm, Florida

Post Number: 282
Registered: Jan-06
hey b your link isnt showing up for me is there anyway you or seth can repost it or just pm me with it

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 3058
Registered: Sep-05
http://cgi.ebay.com/PAC-IR-X-Infrared-IR-Remote-Eye-Extender-Repeater-IRX_W0QQit emZ9707327580QQcategoryZ50552QQssPageNameZWD1VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

The IR-X extends the Infrared signal from any wireless remote to control products that are hidden or out of the remotes line of sight. No need to modify equipment to extend the internal remote receiver.

• Easy two wire hook up.
• Extra long, 17 feet plug-in wire for IR LED.
• Red LED for confirmation of operation.
• Small and easy to mount.
• 40 kHz and 56 kHz operation.
• 9-12 vdc operation.
• VCR, DVD, TV tuners, stereos that are in trunks, glove box, under seats, or equipment just out of sight of wireless remote.
• Great for RV's, marine, custom hot rodders, and many other applications.

note: The IR remote being used must use a 40Khz or 56kHz carrier frequency. Consult with equipment manufacture to determine the carrier frequency.
Currently these radios from will not work: Sony XAV-7W, CDX-MP80, CDX-MP70, CDX-M850MP, CDX-M3DI, CDX-M800, CDX-CA900X, MEX-5D1, MEX-1HD, CDX-M730, CDX-M770, CDX-M620, CDX-M670, CDX-CA850X and CDX-CA860X units. Delphi XM SKYFI. Denon head units are unknown at this time.
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