i took a video of my subs playin mid nite tip or what ever, and im trying to figure out how ot get it on my comp so you cuys can tell me how much my subs suck. i had to reformat my computer, and get it to be able to read MP4's. im on my dad's comp right now, would i like up load it to a photo bucket or how would i make it so you guys can see the video?
ok, my computer is still reformating, i had to reboot and now its like going threw EVERY fine and counting free space or something... idk... its been doing the free space for about an hour and its only at 30% conpleted. so i can get the video on a photo bucket, could i use my GF's and still work ok? idk how to work a photo bucket. that youtube site, how would i go threw doing that, remember guys me and computers is like teaching a 3 year old rocket sciencs... or spelling LOL
aight, oh and on the video, you can hear that noise that i made a thread about a while back that SCEATCH noise. but if i can't figure this shi!t out tonight i'll make a good (as god as audiobahn gets) video tomorrow for yall to enjoy and hate on
well, i think my excursion rate actually to be honest i don't know how to figure out how much my exurcion rate is. they are the Aw1206's getting around 800RMS they are 1100RMS each, how do you determin the excursion, just hoe much the cone moves right?