i'm sorry to start another one of these "which would you choose" threads, but i think i have my sub choice narrowed down to these two. i'm looking for mostly SQ, but would like the sub to be able to get a little loud if i want. with that in mind i would most likely go ported, so which sub would be a good choice? i know a number of people regard the W6 as one of the best SQ woofers out there, so how would the arsenal compare? i look forward to everyone's opinion and input. thanks in advance!
well seeing that the arsenals r on sale right now - id prolly buy those but if $ was not a matter based on JL's reputation u cant go wrong with JL ....
thanks rovin. i cant really say that money isn't a matter, but i can afford the JL, if that makes sense. i did notice how the arsenals were about 1/2 the price of the W6 though. thanks for your input, anyone else's is also greatly appreciated!
W6 is much better at SQ. My Mag was better than the older AA all day long. W6 will be better on the SQ but the output may go to the AA sub. I would say the W6 and Mag would be a better choice.
thanks for the input alter. i think the mag may be a little too much for me, and if i got that sub i think i would need to be a bigger amp than i was planning on getting. any other input would be great.
I have 2 Arsenal 12"'s. They are superb subs. The lowest sub I have ever heard in my life. Very good accuracy and if the track you are listening to has good SQ then you can hear every single bass note clear as day. I have never heard the W6 but here is how I will attempt to compare them Arsenal is louder than W6 W6 Sounds better Arsenal gets deeper Both build qualities are superb Arsenal is half the price.
If you want to save some bucks get the Arsenal's because they are awesome. If you want to go all out and pay for the W6's, then go for it. I personally can't spend that much money which is why I went for the AA which is basically the equivelant.
thanks chris. yeah i was kinda assuming the arsenal would be a little louder, but i wasn't sure how much louder. would it be completely noticeable or are they close? i don't mind payin for the W6, so i may go with that. anymore input would be great.
you might notice a little difference. Big one? No, the only part where the Arsenal kills every other sub is how deep it gets. I keep stressing this because I have heard many setups, from L7's, Solo X's, Type X's, Fosgate, CVR, Type R, etc. and none get NEAR the AA on the bottom end. You will enjoy that W6 a LOT though.
The Arsenal is a monster down low. It lacks the SQ of the 12w6v2 like most subs. The Arsenal 12 is hec of a subwoofer for the price either way. I whould look into Image Dynamisc IDQ 12's and Sound Splinter RL-p if you want somthing that compares closer to the 12w6v2.
thanks mo. so maybe i'll just stick with the W6. i feel like the more subs i look at and consider, the longer it takes me to decide. so i always wind up back at square 1. just so many options i guess.