scientists have came up with two types of energy kinetic and potential, for example kinetic is when you are on a swing moving (kinetic) BUT potential energy is a rock on top of a clifs edge. because it has the POTENTIAL to fall off it has this potential energy. now my thoughts are since scientits have to always be right, they just thouhgt of this "potential" energy because someone before them said energy can not be created or destroyed. i think this is BS because the dest my computer has the "potential" to break there for it has "potential energy". Scientists think that everything has potential energy because everything can be moved. this is just an excuse because they don't want to be wrong because someone said energy can not be created or destroyed
Okay man. say your comp is held 1 meter off the ground . say it weighs 10 kg. at that point it would have 98.1 newtons of potential energy, in respect to the ground. think of potential energy as stored energy, like a capacitor can have a certain amount of stored electrical energy.