Number of drivers : 1 Box type : Vented Box size : 2.250 ft^3 Tuning frequency : 32.00 Hz Vent : 1 vent(s) 27.22 in length for each 2.00 x 14.50 in rectangle Internal Volume : 16.00" x 9.50" x 25.50" Relative Freq Gain SPL [Hz] [dB] [dB] 20.00 -13.88 106.07 25.00 -5.93 114.02 30.00 -0.27 119.68 35.00 2.46 122.41 40.00 2.97 122.93 45.00 2.72 122.67 50.00 2.33 122.29 55.00 1.98 121.94 60.00 1.69 121.65 65.00 1.46 121.41 70.00 1.26 121.22 75.00 1.11 121.06 80.00 0.98 120.93 85.00 0.87 120.82 90.00 0.78 120.73 95.00 0.70 120.65 100.00 0.63 120.58 Ummm No totally f^cking wrong i just took this to the car audio store nearest me and he said it was totally wrong and that if i built that it would be a waiste of wood. Good thing those arnt my dementions.
i used winISD i typed in the volume i typed in the tuning for the port i typed in the port dimensions got the port lenght only diff is tht it is for a treo tsx not a ssi
i guess wut he is asking is everything in order
zepcoe u want to do it urself download winISD u can find it in a number of sites just google it....
and the reason it wont work is b/c you dim. dont add up to 2.25cu. ft. It's more like 2-2.1, and port dislacement and sub displacement makes it even lower, b/c those are external dim. Also, why only 9.5" deep? Try of port and 2.3 cu.ft. tuned to about 35hz and you'll be happy. My SSi 15s have 2.8 cu ft. each and 30sqin of port, tuned to 35hz. They POUND! and im only running 500watts to each