i have a 2 channel/mono california profile amp and 2 12" alpine type-e subs. the subs are 4 ohms each and the amp can only be wired, in mono mode, at a 4 ohm minimum. how do i wire my subs to the amp at 4 ohms. i do not want to wire them at 8 ohms. should i just wire each sub up to a channel output instead of the mono? can someone help me?
There are three options for you, and none of them will work good for your amp. Wire them in parellel for a single 2 ohm load, wire together in series for a single 8 ohm load or wire each to a channel for (2) 4 ohm loads in stereo. None of those options are good for you. My advice: find a cheap mono amp.
and warning, DO NOT do option one. If you hook 2 ohms to your amp when it is brigded, you will fry it.