Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 207 Registered: May-05 | i read the thread a little while back about the arsenal vs the rl-p's and the crystal comps and a few others i think and that was a big help and i've narrowed it down. Right now i am running 2 12" re se's off of a kicker 1200.1 amp. I would most likely be keeping hte amp unless i get 2 1000 watt amps in taht case each sound splinter would be getting 1000 watts rms. The question i have is what makes the rl-p's worht buying if i already have the se's? |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6930 Registered: Jul-05 | what is the main goal of ur setup??? |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6934 Registered: Jul-05 | ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Killerzracing71Fredericksburg, Virginia United states Post Number: 721 Registered: Aug-05 | i hope som1 helps u out cuz i would like a set of 15" rlp... but inotice 1 thing the 12 has a Lower FS than the 15 even different VC's have different Spec between 2 subs of the same size....i would like it to hit low but will 2 12's be betta than 2 15's sorry to jack but i wanted to ask... personnally it think the rlp migh b worth getting...since all this junk is going on with RE now...u might make a pretty penny with those sub....So u could offset the cost but agian i dont know...hope u get ur help |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 2883 Registered: Sep-04 | the 15 will still hit lower. (very good guess i have not compared them) even with a higher FS the 15 still has more cone area. 2 15s will definetly be more powerful than 2 12s. |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 208 Registered: May-05 | ya i am making a pretty penny selling the subs, bouth em in the group buy at 147 a piece and selling em for 250 a piece. it will cover the cost going up. The main goal of my set up is a dialy driver with good sq but can also get loud if it needs to. I have a small sealed enclosure about 1 cu foot and the rl-ps are supposed to perform well in that size box. |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 2887 Registered: Sep-04 | your found somebody to pay 250 each!!?? ask them if they want a 15 lol. i got one brand new. |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 209 Registered: May-05 | i could go higher, but i made the mistake of saying 550 for the 2 12's and the box. I could have easily gotten over 6. What can i say i'm a business man. :-P btw i was also looking at crystal comps, since chauncey swears by them i was thinking about those but i can't find anywhere to buy them. So it's between upgrading to the rl-p's or the comp's or staying with the se's, but i can get the money for the se's now so i really wanna upgrade. I was thinking about the arsenal, but i guess they aren't as good as the rl-p's and the comps. Also the id max is supposed to be good but they are a little price i'm trying to upgrade and still have some money left over. So the rl-p's would do the trick very nicely. |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 2889 Registered: Sep-04 | go to the store for crystal. also ebay has them. i think id get AA over SS for the simple fact that im a AA fan. but im not saying one is better than the other. are you selling your SEs locally? i need to find someone that will pay 300 for my 15 ![]() i was planning on building a nice ported box for it this summer and selling it for like 450 as a package. i think i can get that because the box is going to be an eyecatcher. |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 210 Registered: May-05 | ya i'm selling tghem at school. To a kid running volfehang idk how to spell it they are the big red subs that someone on here has i have seen them. I might be able to find you someone for your 15. Gimme a few days and ill see what i can do. if you had to choose AA or crystal comp's? |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 2891 Registered: Sep-04 | hmm thatd be a tough one because i like how almost no one has crystal subs. i think ive read a review and they are suposed to be very good overall. idk though i liked representing AA. lol. cant decide. goodluck with your decision though ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 212 Registered: May-05 | i dont know of many people tha thave the soundsplinter's either. i take pride is buying stuff noone has heard of. At school that is,. i wouldnt know abnout half this stuff if it wasnt for this forum. I'm thinking about the sound splinters. I'll let you know if i can find someone for that 15. |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 2893 Registered: Sep-04 | thanks alot, 'preciate it. and yeah. i dont knwo of anyone around town that has eclipse subs (im sure now some circuit city ones will be around), SS, AA, RE, DD, Treo (only who i set them up with) or anythign but volfs kicker rockford and infinity lol. im slowly intorducing them to my town lol. soon everybody will want SI after my install though ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6936 Registered: Jul-05 | cmp vs. rlp vs. arsenal u really cant go wrong with any of but im bies, so i would go cmp, overall better sql then the other 2.. rlp, sounds the best(sq), the arsenal should get the loudest (only heard a ava, suppose to be the same almost) Also if u ask anybody that has heard alot of subs, the cmp and rlp are top 10 subs.....Think about it.. |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 213 Registered: May-05 | thanks for making my decision so much harder chauncey. lol you couldn't eliminate one of them for me huh? i think i'm going to get 2 soundsplinter 12's and then sell them and maybe get some comps eventually. These will be only my second pair of subs since i'm only 16 so i just want to hear everything that i can. |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 214 Registered: May-05 | didnt bump. Chauncey do you have your crystal comp x's installed yet? |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6938 Registered: Jul-05 | I kinda did elminate And right now i only have 1 installed, waiting on my box to be built....I would rathetr wait and have it done for free, then to pay.... |
Gold Member Username: Tdeaton1021Near Tampa, Florida USA Post Number: 2896 Registered: Sep-04 | what amps are you using chauncy? sx1250s or did you get new amps? |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 3680 Registered: Feb-05 | I whould go with the 2 Arsenal 12's anyday. For the preorder price of $160 a piece, its not a hard decision for me. You will get as good performance if not better from the Arsenals and a nice 3 year warranty to go with it with the best customer service you will find anywhere. And im a unbiased kind of person. |
New member Username: SplmonsterPost Number: 6 Registered: May-06 | i like those crystal comps whats a good amp to run 1 15? or would i t be better to get 1 amp to run both? i'm not sure what ill do i might just end up getting one now and add another one later, so whatd be a good amp to push one 15, or should i just go for it and get 2? please give amp choices to both setups so i can make the right choice |
Silver Member Username: Sw9152Michigan Post Number: 656 Registered: Feb-06 | ^^^i would definately go with arsenals too for the same reasons MO said. |
New member Username: SplmonsterPost Number: 8 Registered: May-06 | well if they are only on preorder i really dont wanna wait, kinda into the crystal comps, just kinda wanna be different ![]() |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 3687 Registered: Feb-05 | Arsenals will be shipping in 1 week. Not much of a wait. |
Bronze Member Username: SplmonsterPost Number: 11 Registered: May-06 | would 2 12 arsenals get louder than 1 15 crystal comp? |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 3688 Registered: Feb-05 | Definetly 2 Arsenal 12's sealed will get louder then 1 15 crystal comp sealed. 2 Arsenals 12's ported will get louder then 1 15 crystal comp ported. Depends on install really but obvously it will be louder due to more surface area. Once you hear the Arsenals for yourself. You will be quite impressed with how loud it really gets and how clean it sounds. |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 216 Registered: May-05 | what sub would be best running anywhere from 800 to 1500 watts rms? |
Silver Member Username: ShmanGrandville, Michigan United States Post Number: 184 Registered: Mar-06 | arsenal is 750rms |
Bronze Member Username: SplmonsterPost Number: 14 Registered: May-06 | alright heres a ? which woulkd sound better with 1200watts goin to it the 12 arsenals or the crystal comp? |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 217 Registered: May-05 | i know all the ratings and they all are about hte same, rl-p forum says that in a small sealed box which i was planning on building small being 1 cu. ft. it can take up to 1500 watts rms, looking into an orion 2500d or a few other amps, i plan on pushing them with about 1000 watts rms so which sub would better handle being over powered? |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6948 Registered: Jul-05 | Once you hear both of them for yourself. You will be quite impressed with how loud it really gets and how cleanear the comp is over the arsenal.. "alright heres a ? which woulkd sound better with 1200watts goin to it the 12 arsenals or the crystal comp?" Comp, even though the arsenals are cheaper right now the cmp is just a better overall sub, get it. |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 3691 Registered: Feb-05 | Chancey Brown ! / Have you heard any of the Ascendant Audio subs or are you just recommending the Crystal Comps out of the blue ? Have you heard a Avalanche 12 or 15 ? Sealed or Ported ? These are questions you need to ask before you recommending anything. Do you own a Arsenal 12 or a Crystal Comp ??? or is it that you have the Kickers or whatever in your SUV ? |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 3692 Registered: Feb-05 | You may own the Crystal Comps in your ride but unless you have owned or heard the Arsenal 12's or 15's i whouldnt really say the Crystal Comps are cleaner. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6952 Registered: Jul-05 | 1. Yes i have heard ascendant audio subs, very good drivers for the money 2. NO im not recommending the crystal cmp's out of the blue have heard them many, many times 3. Yes i have heard a 12 and 15 ava sealed and ported....Again for the price not bad drivers...When they used the XBL^2, honestly they where better then when they switched, b4 they could keep up with the old XXX and Brahma, in the low end and sq, but they didnt have quite as much upper bass rolloff as the other 2....Still a great driver for the price...After the change everything kinda fell off, and u no it....Have never heard an arsenal, but i no alot of people that wish they still had there old school(XBL2) ava's insted. 4. I own 4 crystal comp x's, got rid of the kickers a while ago.... 5. I no you are bias towards AA, great drivers at a great price, not once did i knock that...But the cmp is a greater sub.. 6. Have you ever heard any crystal subs, pro,pro se, cmp, cmpx,etc, once u have u will understand what im talking about |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6954 Registered: Jul-05 | old cmpx |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 3693 Registered: Feb-05 | Im definetly not biased. You whould fit that category alot better CB. I have dealt with car audio for a while and have owned alot of subwoofers. Dont say i am biased towards AA because you dont know me and have no idea about what i have used in the past. Pay Homage to Ecoustics and keep my D%ck out your mouth. |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6955 Registered: Jul-05 | How would i fit in that catergory over u??? U sat down thought about it and wrote me a paragraph up there about AA, because u had nothing better to do with ur time,, I agree im not sure what u have heard in the past but the same goes for u toward me...And we are both grown men at least i thought, there is no need for name calling. Unless it makes u feel better, in which case i dont care. Also u didnt answer any if my answers or questions, why not????? Thats what made ecoustics what it is (personal opinion) |
Bronze Member Username: SplmonsterPost Number: 16 Registered: May-06 | srry for all the fighting but have made up my mind and goin with the comp which amp would be a good choice and anyone got any idea on boxes? i can fit 36 wide by 16 tall? thanks for everyones help!!! |
Bronze Member Username: SplmonsterPost Number: 19 Registered: May-06 | and if u didnt know the 15 comp is rated at 700wrms so an amp somewhere around there, or if there is nice amp, kinda "cheap" but good for the money that will push two nicely, i might just go with 2, but it'll prolly just be the 1 15 for a while |
Silver Member Username: Buddyleee5Post Number: 220 Registered: May-05 | 01gpse why are you jacking the thread, start your own thread and get your questions answered there |
Bronze Member Username: Kaos13Post Number: 65 Registered: Oct-04 | mathew get the arsenals you will not be dissapointed. |
Bronze Member Username: SplmonsterPost Number: 20 Registered: May-06 | whoops my bad, sorry man, thought u had gotten ur answers |
Silver Member Username: PhuktupbassheadPhoenix, Arizona United State... Post Number: 479 Registered: May-05 | wow. ugh, ugh... So, back to the opinions on the original VERY GOOD AND TRUELY VALID question... rl-p, arsenal, or crystal comp Maybe everyone could post their personal opinions very thoroughly on the pros and cons of each, then leave it at that. That would help me alot and I'm sure it will help the person who created this thread. Mo and Chauncey: don't get heated... you both know this just got blown out of proportion, I'm sure neither one of you intended for this to happen. It's cool. Right? |
Gold Member Username: Suleman36Maryland U.S.A. Post Number: 3703 Registered: Feb-05 | Its all good with me sean |