I need a little help i have a 99 explorer im going to build a maze box like yours in the back that goes over the wheelwhels. the width of the back going over the wheelwhels is 51 inches and the length from front to the back is 48 inches. how do i figure out the size box i need i got 2 eternals im going to be using for a while till i get a lil money i got all the dementions of the eternals. (2) 12's. Can you guide me through making a box?
rather than a box like mine you should build a box that fires the sup up and the ports firing to the back. i've heard this one dudes car at a comp that had it like that and it got loud. a simple square port will do nicely.
thats what i was thinking... but what dimentions do i need to make the box i mean i have the box calculator but half the stuff on it i dont know what it is? can you possibly find out what size my box need to be cause if i get the dementions i can build it. If you could I would appricate it.
okay how about something like this. you will get a 3.2 cu ft gross per chamber. after you subtract the driver displacement and the port displacement you should get a little less than 3 cuft.
is just like chansey design but i think u dont need to put a divider in the middle u just need to brace it inside the box and i suggest makin a single port on the middle
oh yeah is a good design because im hitin around 145 at the termalab at the dash
Hey lilrob, where can i find some fosgate amps like you had. I'm looking for some kind of like those, I like the the look of em and i've heard they sound good too. About how much do they cost?
yeah they sound really good but they are rated at 250 rms at 2 ohm mono but they push like 350 rms at 2 ohm each mono is too low for me and the 4 channel is 40x4 at 4 ohm is too low for me
okay what do you plan on tuning your box to? if you do a 33hz port than i suggest you use 4" x 6" squar port. if you do that than you only need to make it around 15-16 inches long therefore no need to make a elbow. also it would take up less space in your box thus giving you a larger net cuft.