a few days ago i took out my subs and amp. i left all the wires in.
today i hooked everything back up -unhooked negative battery wire -wired everything back into the amp(power, REM, ground, rca's, and subs) -connected the power wire to the batter -connected the negative battery wire back on
when i turend my car back on and turned the head unit on, i got no power to the amp. it didnt even start for one second...
there were gold things on the end of the power and ground wires to make it easier to screw it into the amp. those fell off so i just screwed down the bare wire..if that makes a difference
i assumed you checkef all the wires right? Also, that don't matter about screwing down bare wire....i've been doing it for a long time and no problems. However, no wires shorted together on the ground and battery did it? (on the amp)
yeah check the fuses and check the wire as it goes into the amp if there is power. also, you didnt forget the remote wire did you? lol. and lastly... the sub "on off" switch on the HU is on "on" right?
well hmm? i have subwoofer volume on the HU too, it dont work, so when the the bass is turned down on the HU, it all gets turned down subs and all. i havnt tried to turn subwoofer down with out it on...
did you check the wire where it goes into the amp... use a dmm if you have one and see if it reads 12V at the ends of the wire right where it goes into the amp. just to make sure there isnt somewhere else the power is being cut off. if you dont have a dmm you can quickly tough the power and ground and it will spark if there is power. however your taking a risk of blowing your fuse next to the battery. which you checked that fuse right? not just the fuses in the amp?