Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 81 Registered: Jan-06 | Do you guys think the vibe268 would be a good budget amp for 2 JL audio 12w3v2's? The subs are dual 4, so I would be able run the subs at 2ohm and pull the most from the amp, which is "800rms x 2" I am aware that i will not be getting nearly that many watts, but since the subs are 300w rms apiece i think they will be fine. The fuse rating is 30a x 2, so i was thinking it would be about 600w, but optidrive says they bench at 900w bridged. What do you guys think about this amp for my 2 subs? |
Silver Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 544 Registered: Dec-05 | good budget amp if you bridge it you will get 900w for 120$ or less, it should work fine with your jl |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 82 Registered: Jan-06 | i can't bridge it....i have 2 subs...duh |
Silver Member Username: Bulldogsm2008Iowa City, Iowa Post Number: 106 Registered: Mar-05 | you can bridge it just connect all the vc's to on terminal cup on the box. |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 83 Registered: Jan-06 | well...i can't because i only have 2 connectors on the back of the cup....i dont think that's enough to do it professional: weigh in on the previous comment;is what he's proposing possible? if so how can i attach both vc's of one sub to the terminal cup |
Silver Member Username: Bulldogsm2008Iowa City, Iowa Post Number: 109 Registered: Mar-05 | take the nuts off the terminal of one side of your box and take the connectors and put them on the other terminal and connect both subs to that terminal. ill trie to find a picture |
Silver Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 937 Registered: Jun-05 | Example A ![]() Example B ![]() Example C ![]() In your situation, any of the three pics I posted here, will give you a final of 1 ohm impedance. |
Silver Member Username: N2audioLawrence, Ks USA Post Number: 843 Registered: Mar-04 | seth, he needs a 4 ohm bridged load for that amp, not 1. I'd do it something like this... ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 84 Registered: Jan-06 | so optidriven... u basically wire the woofers vc's in parallel, then connect a wire between one plus and minus on the termianl cups(what kind of wire would you use for this?), then connect the plus and minus that are not used to the amp - what ohm load will this setup give to the amp? - where did you learn to wire like that? btw did u get the PM i sent you |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 85 Registered: Jan-06 | opti..... |
Silver Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 940 Registered: Jun-05 | Actually, it would be better if you wired yoru voice coils in series, and then wired them together in parallel. ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 87 Registered: Jan-06 | yo seth....that looks pretty complicated |
Silver Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 551 Registered: Dec-05 | matt newbie duh! |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 88 Registered: Jan-06 | what the he11!?! there is no need to make a comment like that you spik |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 89 Registered: Jan-06 | end of debate on how to bridge 2 subs to a two channel amp..... no need for it BCAE1: "Before we go any farther let me say this... It it NOT necessary to bridge an amplifier to make it produce maximum power. Bridging is simply one option. If an amplifier is 2 ohm stereo stable (and therefore 4 ohm mono stable), it will produce the same power into a 2 ohm stereo load as it will into a 4 ohm mono load. Later, I will explain why this is." |
Silver Member Username: FandimReno, Nevada United State... Post Number: 950 Registered: Jun-05 | You dont want to run your subs doing two channel.. When you bridge an amp, you're also combining the signal from both channels into one signal. If you use it in stereo mode, then each sub is only getting the left channel/right channel output. |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 90 Registered: Jan-06 | whats wrong with using stereo mode?....and are you sure that each sub is only getting the left channel/right channel output? if stereo was a bad way to run subs, then why so many stereo amps be on the market? if you really think i should bridge it, then would you provide me with a claer diagram of how to do it please. i appreciate your help with my issues so far |
Silver Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 562 Registered: Dec-05 | go to, select your subs and wire them the way it shows to the channel that says "bridged" and you'll be fine, DUH! |
Silver Member Username: Thomas_gNM Post Number: 325 Registered: Oct-05 | LOL |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 91 Registered: Jan-06 | well.....i have two terminals on my box; so that means i have a postive and negative speaker wire from each terminal cup to the the plan to just use the 12volt diagram doesn't exactly work, but here is how i think i'm going to do it: wire each sub in series and connect it to its' terminal, then take the (-) output from terminals one/two and connect it to the (-) bridged channel on the amp, then do the same with the positive wires IF i'm correct this should give me a 4ohm mono load...the question is, am i correct?? |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1023 Registered: Oct-04 | shut-up juliob. do you call everyone a newbie? your only 16. your a newbie to life and everything in it except for being a jacka$s |
Gold Member Username: RovinTrinidad & T... Post Number: 7641 Registered: Jul-05 | um - the ? i dont see ppl asking is >>>>>>> y pick this particular amp on such nice subs as JL?!!!!! u can get a better amp like a PG xenon so i=any way u connect it would give 600wrms ... |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 92 Registered: Jan-06 | well rovin...i had a jbl bp600.1 on them runnin at 1ohm and it now i'm out the money for that amp and i need a new one....supposedly this lanzar has been benched at 900w bridged, which should be plenty of power for my w3v2's...the amp will be here wednsday so it's to late to change my mind(i doubt that i would anyway) besides the w3v2's are whats left of my old system...they are just keeping my occupied untill i get my two re sx 18's at the end of the summer the question the wiring method i mentioned above correct? p.s.---thank you lucas... |
Silver Member Username: N2audioLawrence, Ks USA Post Number: 845 Registered: Mar-04 | yep - that's how I drew it up |
Silver Member Username: N2audioLawrence, Ks USA Post Number: 846 Registered: Mar-04 | uhh - check that - I had it parallel/series - but the load at the amp's the same. This would be series parallel -- ![]() |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 93 Registered: Jan-06 | ok good...assuming i get my amp today, i will be wiring it all up this afternoon! i can't wait to see how the lazar compares against my old bp600.1(i wish i had got the system metered while the old amp still worked...haha). |
Silver Member Username: JuliobSanto DomingoDominican Re... Post Number: 566 Registered: Dec-05 | lucas f-uck you, you're a damn stupid, NEWBIE! |
Bronze Member Username: Waterboy2289Martinez, Georgia USA Post Number: 94 Registered: Jan-06 | I guess I'm not installing the vibe268 today....the amp gods have pissed on my face again. The idiot UPS man delivered it to the wrong house and I had to track it down;now I have it, but it's to late for me to start hooking it up! I guess the I'l have to wait untill tomo. or Friday to install it. .....on a side note: this amp is big as hell(it's a few inches wider than my BP600.1 and almost twice as long!) |
Gold Member Username: LbecknerTulsa, Ok Usa Post Number: 1029 Registered: Oct-04 | jajajajajacka$s |