Just hear of this brand about a month ago. I am going to get 2 high quality 8 inch subs that are not power hungry and are decent as far as SQ goes.
My first choice was the JL 8W7 but these are SO expensive, even on ebay. Then on another forum someone mentioned these soundsplinters and I checked out the site and they seem to fit the bill, they are 300 RMS and massive (18 pounds compared to the JL at 17 pounds).
Also they are not cheap but cheap compared to the JL at 149 each for a pair versus the JL at 250 each for a pair.
This sounds good, but can anyone help me as far as choice or maybe even through in another choice? The only stipulation I have is that they are not high power, I am going to run a Soundstream Rubicon 500 amp at 500 rms at one ohm which would give each sub 250 watts.
who only makes an 8inch model???cmp goes all the way up 2 15...
and cmp vs. rl-p, i really love both of these subs..The low end would go to the rlp but the cmp would win everything else....ANd yes Crystal comps, cmp, same thing
Sorry I did not know all of the abbriviations I am a little slow here tonite (and all nights for that matter)
I want 8 inch and so now I gather we are now comparing the crystal 8 inch to the soundspinter 8 inch, ok which would you recommend in my situation and in total how would these compare to the JL 8w7 ( I have not ruled out the JL I just have to save my pennies longer)
Not trying to be a smart a** or anything really, I am just not familier with the all the model numbers as well as I should be...