what is the difference going to be soundwise and volume wise if I switch to a ported box instead of using my sealed sealed box? I know that ported means more SPL but how much and how much SQ will I loose? I have 2 kicker comp vr12's at 4 ohms 800 watts. Thanks
the difference in volume on my friends sw9152 in a sealed box and the ported box are ridiculous. i dont think that you will care about the loss of SQ (which was hardly noticable) when you see how much louder it is
Nate, putting kicker subs into a sealed box is like drinking non alcoholic beer. It defeats it's own purpose.
Kicker is for loudness, and not SQ, if the SQ from them is not bothering you in a sealed box, it sure as hell won't bother you in the right ported box.
Put those SPLer's in the box that they were designed for, check out manufacturers recommendations and build or buy a ported box with the dimensions they suggest.
You will be a lot happier with those in a ported box.