i just got my system put in a couple days ago n wen i get 2 a certain volume my fuse blows is there anything i can do 2 stop this frm happening? (besides not turning it up)
If its from the amp, chances are the wire is to small, too much current being pulled threw it and it blows, simple fix, get a bigger fuse, but really it depends on the gauge of the wire, fuse amperage, it could be a lot of reasons.
what is the fuse rating on that one and what is the one for your amp? Do you have more than one amp? Make sure the one under the hood is not smaller than the one on your amp.
Just remember this.. Wire that is too small, will cause voltage loss.
The more voltage loss you have, the more current will be pulled.. (Volts x Amps = Watts) So in the case of a regulated power supply, as your voltage dips, it compensates by pulling more amps.
But remember - as more current is pulled - more resistance is introduced to the equation. Resistance will dissipate some of the energy pulled, in the form of heat. (Think of it like friction)
So if your wires arent big enough, you're going to lose voltage, start pulling more current through a wire that already is not able to handle it, and generate even more heat.
Obviously, this could lead to a VERY serious problem, especially if you just try to fix the problem by inserting a larger fuse that can handle it. Basically, imagine the entire length of wire catching on fire (if fused very improperly, it's not far-fetched) Once the wire catches on fire, it's going to ground out to your chassis, then your fuse will blow. But now chances are you car is stalled (wherever you may be, driving down the freeway, maybe? Fun stuff) and you have an open flame inside your car with you.
Dont give out stupid advice. Just because he said he had it put in, dosnt mean he had it done by a professional. And he also dosnt specify the size wire he's using, either. I've seen people try to use speakerwire as power wire.. Ugly business, that there.
Chris, what wire size are you using? I'm assuming you're using glass fuses btw? As 5AG50A I'm guessing is referring to 5AG (physical size of the fuse) - 50 amp fuse.
If you're blowing a 50 amp fuse, you should at bare minimum be using a 10 gauge wire, but 8, or even 4 gauge would be ideal.
If you're running anything smaller, stop, immediately, for your own safety, and upgrade your wiring before you catch something important on fire.