I have 2 12'' Audiobahn Quad 2ohm voil coil subwoofers and i have them both wire so individualy i get a reading of 2 ohms from each subwoofer but i get 1 ohm reading when i connect them togethor, i have them connected togethor on a Earthquake Mono Block 10,000watt amp (the speakers are 4000 watt peak\2000watt rms each) the amp is 1 ohm stable. I have 8 Guage wire running to my speakers and wired the voice coils with it to, but when i turn my amp up to mayb 30% it will start getting hot and i can also smell the speakers, like the voice coils are heating up, i was wondering if i connect these subs to read at .5 ohm individualy and 1ohm togethor would that be a better way to wire them? Could i have a bad piece of equiptment? I have also upgraded my power power supply to a 200amp alternator and 3 optima yellow tops with 0 gauge. Any ideas?
man, your stuff been hott since last mnth i think...
if your amp and subs are hotter than normal, u have too low of a ohm load, or too little of current to the amp. u are runing a 10,000 watt amp, with a rms of 5000, on a 200a alternator. with 1 run of 0ga.
I would try diffrent voice coil configs, wire it up to a higher ohm load... see if the amp likes that better.
I tryed it so they run at 2 ohms on the amp but it dosnt seem to like that very well i smell the speakers even quicker and it still gets hot, but seriously im not even pushing more then 1500rms out of my amp and it will do this and after it does that it cuts out and i have to kill the remote to restart the amp. Does it sound like my amp is bad at all?? its all i can think that can be the problem because i kno damn well i got more then enough power for what im trying to push out of the amp when it does that, im still working on getting a bigger alternator but im not gunna buy one yet if i cant fix this problem, i will just sell my stuff and go buy like 2 kenwood 1000\mono blocks and 2 1000watt rms subs for the price of the amp i got now... and for some reason i think that would sound alot better then what im getting out of this.