I have decided on a single 15" sub setup with a built in enclosure. Now I am faced with where to place the ports,( 4" aeros) either facing forward or upward through the rear deck. Also I have heard that if facing forward a particular side (drivers/passenger) yields higher SPL potential. I haven't decided on the sub yet but leaning towards a Treo SSX or CSX. One other question, will a single SSX or CSX Treo put out more than a pair of Re sx15's, I mean put out more bass not just get louder? Polo..
I would fire directly into the cabin.. I would take the SSX for the SQL, the CSX is a SPL sub, but can also be made with the vented pole for daily.. rms on that is 1200... as for the SSX it has a higher thermal handling of 2500.. the CSX will get way loud with little power however. The SSX 15 ported with 4 Aeros , 3" p-p excursion, Ill say it will be more bass & volume... its all out ballsy bass, slap u to the wall...
I noticed the lower power handling on the CSX but the excursion is way higher also. Is the lower power handling just a safety margin so people running it as a daily driver won't burn it up? I am looking for a sub with the highest excursion possible. I did notice that on there site they said in the lanes the CSX can handle power from any manufactured amplifier so I guess the handling is there just need the cooling of the pole vent to keep it straight? Either way the eclosure will be ported into the cabin but I need a position to start with. I have heard different directions yielding drastically different results/spl. Polo..
correct, the CSX with the vented pole can be used for daily, with prob 2Krms per coil. More for burps..
prob best results this way, testing and measureing with a mic to be exact!
1 sub to one side, the port on the opposite side. if u have 2 subs, put them both 2 one side, & port on the other.. u can also seal the box off from the trunk.
2 subs would be best to have a large port to the middle, sealed off from the trunk!
B what do you mean from sealed off from the trunk? If this kid has them in the truck he would really want to port them through to the cabin. UNless you are sayin the subs are in the cabin and sealed from trunk that way...
Ummm Pride, WHO YOU CALLIN KID? I am older than everyone here other than GlassWolf and that goes down to wether he was born before or after 11/21, lOl.. This is going to be a built in enclosure, I am actually removing a piece of my vehicle to make it fit. The sub and ports will be exposed to the cabin. What B was saying is to seal the cabin off from the trunk by using a backing plate behind the enclosure to keep from losing energy into the trunk. My dilema is trying to figure out the most effective way to direct the ports. Polo.