If the devil is the ultimate deciever wouldnt that place god as a possibility to be the devil ?
Think about it in the Bible it says that god gave man Free Will.. When was the last time someone tried to force sat.anism on you ?
And the Bible it is full of things writen by people that could hear a divine voice. Brings you to Adam and Eve Think about it they gave up everything for a taste of fruit that a Snake Convinced them to eat.
The Bible is a pun a play on words the whole thing cant be taken literaly so who is to say any of it is?
Witch brings me to Free Will What if god is really sat.an but god does not want to intervine for the reason of Free Will ?Free Will should not cost 10% in the collection plate each Sunday, a day of Glutany and Glutany is a sin.
!!WARNING!! You may be Worshiping the wrong god !!
Funny, in my town it will cost you 10% of your annual earnings, go figure! This is why I am an athiest, meaning I believe in nobody but myself and anyone else I care about. I am not saying that there isn't either/Or but I need more proof other than a few books that have been rewritten to suit needs of people needing something to believe in. I think people need to start being a little self confident and believe in themselves and people around them, because they are real and no proof is needed to prove that. If anyone was to ask , I would say "there isn't a god, nor a devil". JMHO.. Polo..
if there is one thing that I know a lot about, it's the Bible and everything to do with it. God asks you to give you 10% or your earnings just to basically thank him for all He has done. It also says in the Bible that "Blessed are those who give" which mean if you give, the more you will be blessed, providing that you do it from the heart and not just to be greedy. I am a strong believer in God and the devil. I have seen too many things that absolutly convinced me otherwise. Everyone has their own perspectives and I respect everyone's thoughts and feelings. There are many teachings and different interpertations out there, and it's up to us to decide which one we will listen too. And by the way, "godfellfromhell", I totally DISAGREE with you big time. Of all the things I have every heard, never did they get that rediculous.
wow subwoofer forum turned religous gossip forum, but every1 has a right to beleive what ever they want, me personally beleive in no god or sataan, and i don't see how ppl can worship something they have no proof that it exists, the bible i think was written by ppl back 2-3thousand years ago that took some badazz drugs, and if you beleive in "adam and eve" that would make every1 in the world related, it would be incestt everytime you had s3x. LOL you can't say inces/t