I currently have 2 12w3v2's in a sealed box, and was looking to get something a bit smaller to reclaim my trunk space. I was wondering if anyone had any input on whether I should go with a 10w6v2 or a 10w7 (both in a sealed box). I would prefer to stay with JL (just easier to get around here) and keep my 500/1 amp.
Also, the 12w3v2's seem to drop off in the lower frequencies and I was wondering how the above 2 would compare in a sealed box.
If I am completely off target I'm open to suggestions too.
the 10 w7 would be the best choice if you want to keep your amp and get a little deeper. also the w7 will closest in spl to the 2 12 w3v2 maybe a little louder in the right box.
the 10W6 would prob be the better choice they dont require as much power as the w7 and lots of people on this forum say its better quality then the w7 and they are alot cheaper! the 10w7 would take a bigger amp then a jl 500/1
actually, the 10w7 and the 500/1 are a great match. however my pick would be a 12w6v2 or 13w6v2. the w6 will give you a better sound than the w7 but the w7 will get louder. so if you have a 13w6v2 the extra surface area will help you out on the spl side. although if they are all sealed the 2 12s might be hard to beat in the lows, if you could do a low tuned ported on the 10w6v2 or 12w6v2 you could get some low end. but i think a 13w6v2 sealed should please all your needs since your not looking for anything insanly loud. if thats oo big a 12 or 10 installed right can get the job done.
well it seems that the w6v2's are almost preferred. I really don't have a choice other than a sealed 10" w7 or a sealed 10" w6v2, so how would the 2 compare quality wise & for the lower frequencies?