Battery issues.......


Bronze Member
Username: Hockeyknight

Post Number: 23
Registered: Apr-06
ok i dont know much bout amps and stuff and i was wondering how it will effect my car battery??? i was also wondering if i should get a cap and what exactly that will do? thanks fer the help!

Silver Member
Username: Bnd_rulez

Phoenix, AZ USA

Post Number: 889
Registered: Mar-05
Screw the cap. Get an Optima, and if you need more power, get a H.O. alternator.

Silver Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, Or U.S.

Post Number: 782
Registered: Oct-05
the car will pull the power away from the battery and drain it unless you have a proper HO alternator. The capacitor would just put more strain on your alternator so dont get a cap. if you wanted to know, the cap just levels out the power kindof, and people would say that "it will make your subs hit harder"

Gold Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 1742
Registered: Feb-05
it can make the amps a little more responsive, but won't make them "hit harder."

a cap does nothing without a proper sized alternator.

Silver Member
Username: Dustin3

Tigard, Or U.S.

Post Number: 786
Registered: Oct-05
i know that it doesnt make it 'hit harder" i just said that i have heard people say that which is ridic. it makes the amp more efficient is a better way to put it
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