Ok, new here. I've been into Audio since the early 80's, my have things changed! Finally getting around to putting a second system in a the daily driver. I've been out of the car audio loop a while, other than repair. I had back in the day an Eclipse ECD-510, Alpine 3554, Proton D275, Proton CQ-273 (EQ), Audio Control EQ-T's, JBL mids & sub with infinity Emit ribbon tweeters. Only things left from that old system are the Emits (never part with!) and the Eq (the Aural exciter was cool for lifeless recordings).
I'm submitting here because I haven't found much review or comparisons on the Sony CDX-C90 (at least technically useful). That's what I bought used, because I don't like flashy displays of dolphins swimming and crap like that (this is what they try to sell you on these days kids, no audio benifits from it). Most of the newer head units look very confusing too! but then again I'm getting old. I also listen the FM a lot and wanted something with good signal quality close to my home Tuner a Dennon TU-800 (sorry not interested in SAT). The Sony has a good sensitive front end & multiple IF amp settings. The CD section boasts a lot of good talk with dual Burr-Brown dac's. I noticed inside it does utilize Nichicon Muse audio caps and though I'm not a big fan of them Analog Devices OP275 op-amps. So far the worst thing about this unit seems to be the crappy EL display. What dope at Sony came up with this? They use that for those indiglo watches for use in the dark. I may consider trying to convert it to some other form of back lighting.
Ok I'm rambling on here, but just wanted to know if anyone has done any comparisons with this unit to the old Alpine 7909 or their other current "audio grade" units. I know I'm showing my age here with the mention of the 7909, but back when I sold this stuff years ago that was the only real audiophile quality unit out there. I bought the eclipse because I couldn't afford the 7909 at the time (blew too much on everything else) and I really liked the eclipse's VFL display better (trying to justify it..lol).
Wow...I used to own the 7909 a few years ago, but because it was so outdated, I had to get rid of it..it had a pretty good sound, but most newer head units definitely sound better.
The Pioneer Premier DEX-P1R, Clarion DRX-9255, or Alpine CDA-7949 would be good alternative head units to the C90 as they were made around the same time with about the same quality. Though all three of the alternative units I mentioned have finicky CD mechs...to the point that they aren't completely worth it. The C90 has great skip protection and if I remember correctly, plays CD's quite flawlessly. It's a great unit and truly one to be happy to own.
Hey thanks Jexx. Just wanted to get some outside opinions on this. Seems like there is not many out there with experience with the C90. I wonder if the the guys such as Glasswolf have had any with it. He seems to be one who's cut to the point and would have a respectable opinion. Yes I'm out of the car audio loop, but seems that quality is not there any more. You remember the 7909's, how about this. I still have (just for conversations) an old power loading first gen (analog filter and all) car CD players manufactured circa 1986! I won't mention manufacture unless your really intrested. It still works flawlessly, had to replace the sled motor belt twice and resolder some fish boards in the unit over the years. Oh and believe it or not it plays CD-R's as well. It's just used on the test bench now. A neat conversation piece.
The Alpine head units were what got me really interested in car audio, I still have my first head unit..an Alpine 7179 pull out cassette deck (not worth anything now and can't bring myself to throw it away, especially since it has never failed me and still works fine). It definitely has a nice build quality to it-especially in comparison with the tiny buttons and loose plastics on today's head units. And a car CD player made in 1986 that is still functional? Insane! I'd really like to know what brand it is!
Ok, you pushed me...lol. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, so here you go. Hopefully you won't come down on me to hard for the name on the front. Of course you may already Know that back then It didn't matter whether it was an Alpine, Sony, JVC... they all had the same mech inside. Actually this unit wasn't that bad. Programmable play, 100db S/N. If you know anything about tuners Sanyo back then made most of the IC's (even Alpines had them!). Tuner was separate, power supply was separate and of course no amp power. I had this in my 1988 Cutlass Ceria when new. I worked as a repair tech so I bought it as C-type (manufac refrub 2 years old). Hooked thru a Nak PA-350 and JBL T-545's and Emit's in the front.
I actually used this unit for a while again in the car when my ECD-510 had to go out for repair under warranty. That was around 93 if remember right.
Lets see how many posts this generates now??? Like you I can't toss it!
Impressive! It makes no difference to me what brand it is, because lets face it, how many other car CD players manufactured at the same time are still working, let alone existing? haha. Back then having a CD player alone was all that mattered.
Ahh yeah, it even has the big plastic flap too, doesn't it? Reminiscent of cassette players...
In addition, I still see Sanyo IC's in higher end electronics, including a few Alpines every once in a while.
That's definitely a collector's piece of equipment by now (in my mind at least)!
Yes it does, and yes your right. I specifically remember selling the 7618 back in the day (great cassette unit). All my buddies back then we're still using cassettes, they drooled over the fact that I had a CD. It's in good shape, but then again I only had in a vehicle for about three years. I'm very meticulous with my audio equipment too. I have had to do some fixes here and there, mainly the sled motor belts would dry out & slip. Oh yeah cassette decks, I remember replacing lots of belts now. Here's another blast from the past. I still have stashed a Sony XK-8D some where. I even swapped out the head and replaced it with a Alpine Haltec narrow gap head(spelling might be off). One of the perks of being a repair tech. One day I'll clean out and put this stuff on Ebay. U can tell I'm a bit nostalgic here, but then again if it wasn't for guys like U and I car after market audio may have never made it this far.... well probably it would have. I still have those old T545's too. They will never make 6x9's like that again.