(Thanks MO) Gage ware with 1000 watts of power be committed to upgrading the alternator for sure especially considering that doesnt include any draw from other amplifiers for mids and highs to keep in balance with the rest of the system.
Well Mo id say upgrade the alternator especially since buying another amplifier costs money and reselling an amplifier you already own usually means youllloose money on it. Not to mention the fact that lowering your power also means less loudness something im not sure youll adapt to easily after being used to what you had before. Also there is always the option of lowering your amplifiers gain so that it draws less from your cars charging system as well. Doing that with a more powerfull amplifier will also improve the aspects of sound quality and reliability id assume.
Sometimes I wonder if many of us on this forum look at this hobby as a once and done thing or do we continually look to buy new things not realizing how much money we are wasting. Ive been guilty of this in the past but I know im going to stop and think about what I want and why but for me most of all is to remember why i built a system in the first place (to enjoy the music expereince) and do it in a responsible way both for me and my hearing and to respect others when im out and about driving.
some people keep upgrading because at first they really like their system and it sounds great to them. but over time this fades away maybe because their standards get higher or they build a so called tollerance for their system then want to upgrade from that.