Hey my brother wants to get into this whole sub box building,installing and all that stuff that has to do with car audio and technical stuff and im trying to find out if there is a college,school or course or something where he can learn how!
lol sounds funny but he really want to get into something like that.... he is onlt a junior in highschool so he has a little time to look around and get on top off things!
so if anyone know about anything like that please respond to this forum!
thanks.... but then what should he do in college? i need to find something lol because he is really interested in that. during summer, since he is not 18 yes he decided o go "vaulenteer" at best buy helping the audio installing people do u think thats a good idea?
it's a start, but if he really wants to learn, let him go to a car audio shop and start watching some pro's and let him listen the installers so he can learn good tips, cuz i don't think he'll learn "a lot" in circuit city
yeah ill have him do that, i mean he really wants to get into all that... i has a couple books and mag's that teach a little.. i mean he can like install an amp,hu,and subs (which i dont think is alot lol) but he wants to get into it better
Yeah, well i mean here in kentucky there is some stores called smart shoppers (all audio) pro tint (Some audio and tint) and robets (thats a little sub store) but i dont kno if those are any good.. any other suggestions?....any one?? ha ha i really want my brother to get into something he really wants to do so thanks!!
yeah ill have him do that, i mean he really wants to get into all that... i has a couple books and mag's that teach a little.. i mean he can like install an amp,hu,subs and caps (which i dont think is alot lol) but he wants to get into it better
Yeah, well i mean here in kentucky there is some stores called smart shoppers (all audio) pro tint (Some audio and tint) and robets (thats a little sub store) but i dont kno if those are any good.. any other suggestions?....any one?? ha ha i really want my brother to get into something he really wants to do so thanks!!
MOBILE DYNAMICS- installation school. Its not really a college but close enough its only a two month school but it trains you to become nationaly certified. As far as i know theres only one in phoenix and toronto but if he really wants to be good thats a start.
that looks just about right!!! do they have like a certain age group or something like that? also what should he study in school... i kno for that he will need probably a physics class and another math class also.. some bio or chem? lol im not sure i need help!! haha
Check out Mobiledynamics.com. Other than a school like that i'd recomend doing an aprenticeship at a local shop. My buddy opened a car audio shop when he was 20 and that was 4 years ago and he said he learned from just expermenting and learning the tricks and the mistakes also watching pros. As far as schooling is required he can take those clases but i dont think there gonna help much all he really needs to know is ohms law and how to caculate a port size.