Need some opinions... Rockford Fosgate P10002 ($259) or the Rockford Fosgate Power T10001BD ($345) both factory refurbished? Pushing two DVC 4 ohms 500 watts RMS / 1000 Max.
The T10001BD has a better power supply and will put around 1,600-1,700 at 1 ohm... And if it's the 2006 version, I'd highly recommend the T10001BD. They're putting a beefier power supply in 'em and they're supposed to come close to 2,000 watts (so I've been told by multiple people, all reliable).
i highley dought that amp puts out 700 more watts than what is says it will. the amp is supposed to be 1000 @ 1 ohm. i dought it could hit 1700. the rockford amps are usually overrated, not underrated by that much
Has anyone had any experiences with refurbished amps? Both of these amps are refurbished "Factory Refurbished" so the ad reads. I have never bought anything refurbished. Well... I did buy an HP fax once about three years ago and it still works fine but, that is not an amp. So... any input from any of you out there will be very helpful.
i never bought anything thats a factory refurb.....I had a factory refurb done to my H/U by ALpine......It been done for almost a year and problems on it....but....where are u going to buy that amp from.....cuz i was looking into geting that amp...right now i have a MB quart great....I love it now that i finnaly have it adjusted right...LOL...(took me almost a year...yes a year...) 500 watts..but let me now where u getting this amp...
95% of the time refurb amps are brand new amps with old cases, also the company usally will give u a warranty if anything goes wrong, so im all for refurbs