Would this work ok together I know the L7 has 750 rms and the amp has 1000 rms so I was wondering if this could blow the sub or would it sound ok together. And couldn't I just like have the settings set pretty low since its a more powerful amp then the sub or would it matter. Could I get some advice plz.
yea i was thinking that but i just bought the zx1000.1 on ebay an hour ago. Plus I might eventully end up getting another L7 in the future thats why i was wondering would it be ok for 1 L7 if i just dont like turn all the settings all the way up or does that matter.
Right now I got a DVC 4ohm L7, but would this amp be ok for the sub if i have the settings set like in the middle or sumthing or does that matter at all.
but yea anyways back to the first question since I didn't really get an answer yet. Would this kicker zx1000.1 be ok with my 1 Kicker L7 even tho i know the L7 has 750rm and the kicker has 1000rms but is benched at 1200. So im wondering if i dont have everything set to high would this work alright?? any help plz so I know
it would work, but don't be surprised if you blow the l7 apart, l7's have a high failure rate, and overpowering them that much won't help any, and you have the wrong vc config. to hook up 2 subs to that amp.
yea i know i have the wrong dvc cuz i wasnt thinking about getting 2 subs at first but since the amp is powerful i thought of getting 2 now. But im just saying for now since I only got 1 sub this setup hopefully will work ok if I don't turn the settings up all crazy, am i correct?
Yeah but I have 1 L7 not 2 and the amp is 1000rms but benched at 1200 so I was just wondering is this gona blow my sub or will it be alright. Its the brand new 2006 L7 so idk if that helps or not.