The number of posts doesn't make someone knowledgeable. There are people on here who mainly just read, and post once every 3 months, who know more than most of the people on here.
Don't just post as much as you can, read what the experienced people are saying, and ask intelligent questions. Don't just post something stupid because you are afraid to ask the question and sound like you are new.
I believe before this all started that you really just wanted to know if we thought JL or RE was better.
In that case, JL is widely regarded as the #1 high end car audio subwoofer manufacturer. Their "/" series amps (Any JL amp with a / such as JL 500/1, or JL 300/4, are in the slash series) are also highly thought of. They have outstanding build quality, and sound quality. The offer a wide range of products to suit almost every need. The only negative side of JL is that they are first class equipment and they demand first class prices. Or, to put it simply, JL's are very expensive.
Resonant Engineering (RE), on the other hand, is also regarded as one of the top (some consider them #1) subwoofer makers. Many people love RE because they offer similar build quality as JL, but for less $$. For example, an RE SX can handle 1000 watts rms, so can the JL 13w7. Yet the SX can be had for somewhere around half the price of the 13w7. Watts is not the only thing that matters, as the 13w7 is a better sub, but that example gives you an idea how pricing goes from RE vs JL. The main reason everyone loves RE is because they offer many more subwoofer models that go above and beyond the 1000 watts rms rating, where JL stops at. So if you are an insane (and deaf) basshead, who needs rediculous earth-shattering bass, RE offers the goods... Such as the new RE XXX which handles 2000 watts rms and still sounds good!
In conclusion, I hope this gives you a better understanding of what I think was your original question, however, next time rather than trying to be sneaky and hide the fact that you are new, just be honest and we will help you and respect you more. There is nothing wrong with being new. It's all the lieing, bullshitting, and spamming up our board that gets us pissed off. STOP TRYING TO POST 100 TIMES IN ONE DAY, YOU WILL STILL BE JUST AS BIG OF AN IDIOT WITH 20 POSTS OR 2000 POSTS.
dumb as.s im a different person, i actually want to learn stuff about subs, some of the people at our school who do this same thing are here to just talk, for example. bret harris, fosgate loader, and cody brown.
a shadow i think you forgot that when you made bret harris's name you made it say hes from Oklahoma and your from Cali? if your both from the "same school" then maybe you should have made yourselves from the same town.