i just helped a friend hook up his amps/subs and was trying to help him with the settings but he thinks i'm a complete idiot on anything but the install. i told him that both his amps settings should be the same but he thinks different. he wants the subsonic filter and hp to be set different on the two amps, i.e. one is set higher than the other.
now i know i'm not the smartest (still consider myself a newbie) but was wondering if anyone could respond and set this straight for him cause i know he does read this forum once in awhile and i know he listens to what people say on it cause some of the things he says is almost exactly what i'll read from someone else's posts. thanks alot for any responses cause i'm going to be putting some money on this one.
i would think that the hp filter would be set higher than the subsonic filter. The subsonic filters out frequencies lower than the sub box tuning. and the only thing i know of that a high pass filter is used for is to filter out bass going to the mids and highs.
2 12w3's and 2 alpine 650's, i think that's what they were. i just remember the amps had three adjustable gains on the side, the bass boost, subsonic and the hp, or maybe a lp, filter. i'll have to call him.
lucas, you're right about the hp being higher than the subsonic (or at least i think so) but the thing is my friend wants both amps to be set totally different, ex. on one amp the hp would be say 65 and the subsonic would be like 50 but the other amp would be like hp at 80 and the subsonic at 65, now what i mean?
just want to see if i'm right on this cause i just bet $200 that i am.
so he has one amp on each woofer? The proper way would be to set each amp up the same, especially if they are in ported boxes. I think that maybe he's trying to get midbass out of a woofer. If the woofers are sharing the same enclosure space then they should definately be set up the same. It don't that it would do any harm to try it both ways though(unless they are sharing the same enclosure space)