I recently made a vented speakerbox for a kicker solo-baric 12. The vent is a little rough inside and i was wondering if i could put a grill of chickenwire or somthing like that over the vent. I am just wondering if it will impede the airflow and take away from the punch of the speaker. thanks
I doubt at all that it would take away from the sound of the spearker. Chicken wire is an idea but I wouls suggest going to home depot and getting a PVC Cap. They sell caps in all sizes and they have a small grill on them. The PVC caps are really designed to keep critters out of drainage pipes but they work very well for sound box applications. Plus they will look very good.
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my vent is about 4 inches tall and 3 inches wide. Its a vent not a port. so unless they sell rounded off triangular caps im gonna stick with the chicken wire ;D thanks alot for you reply though any other opinions?
Well i know home depot sells rectangular ones too. No Traingle. I would take a run over there just to see what you could find. Home Depot or Lowels, even ACE has neat stuff. I would paint the chicken wire black though, Givit a custom type look.