What would be the best Rockford Amp for 2 Sony's 350 RMS .
b4 U blow up. i know the sonys suck but i got them both for $80 so they will do till they blow. I need an amp that runs around 300RMS x 2 x 2ohm for both. They are 4 ohm but if i run in parallel it is a 2 ohm load correct??
rockford has the P6001bd, which is 600 watts rms at 2 ohms, but its also more than twice as much as the JBL.
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ok i know a guy at ABC Warehouse that can get me real cheap rockfords so i will prolly end up getting one. But what is the difference between 4 channel 2 channel and mono BESIDES wiring? will it have any effect on the sound / RMS power / anything?
class D (mono) are more efficient and create less heat. they are for powering just subwoofers. 4 channels would be for hooking up multiple speakers, usually like door peakers and components, but you can also hook subs up to them.
that rockford goes for about $500 or more... so hopefully he can get u a great deal on that one
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I have a 2000 Chevy Silverado single cab with 1 Kicker 12" CVR DVC woofer in a ported box I am trying figue out what is the best amp I can put on the sub. One dealer says go with Memphis amps and the other says Rockford Fosgate or JL Audio I was wondering if some one could give me some advice on which one to buy.