Does anyone know anything about these subs? like what kind of quality they are or The durability?? I tryed looking them up but didnt quite find anything
A friend of mine has a crankenstein. Don't know where it came from but it looks old, sounds alright tho. His is in a home audio subwoofer box tho, and its huge. I really dont know much else about them.
alriht fellas ya can't knock it to ya try it....personally before this thread i never thought anyone else has heard of them either...i used to have two crankenstein 15's for my first system...they knocked....i tried looking them up and stuff...i couldn't find anything on them or their specs or anyting..but when i did have them...they got loud...i just got rid of them to a friend because i had no idea on the rms or anything n i didn't wanna feed them too much..i think the person i bought em off of said the were from liek germany or somethin like that...i could be wrong though that was about 4 years ago
back in the day with the crunch subs they were great for the price and a lot of boom i still have 2 12inch crankensteins in an huge ported box for my dj system they kick the sh-t out of legacy pyramid and low end stuff and marcus they were out about 7 to 8 yrs ago
second thought maybee I should get them Im trading my punching bag and gloves with 50 bucks for 2 12inch in a box for them ..The guy said he got them from a dj I guess its a dj thing anyways I hope they pound
Crankensteins were the shizzle in the day, yo. I haven't seen Crankensteins in YEARS. They were pretty highly regarded in the iron age of car audio subwoofer design, if it tells you anything *shrugs*.
man thats a name from the past! I remember a amp they had that was like 3000 watts which was completely unheard of back in the day. They were nice back in the late 80's early 90's. I honestly havnt heard that name in 12 years lol