Local Shop


Bronze Member
Username: Fiber

Post Number: 52
Registered: Mar-06
My local audio shop guy is a real ripoff he always tries to tell me my stuff if crappy and his is better, I asked him what he thought about the new xxx and he said he had bought one three years ago and blew it, he also said he has the world record for a single sub 166 dB. he also told me that the orion2500D amp would'nt run at 1 ohm LOLOLOL! I just like goin to his shop and talkin to him to get a good laugh.

Gold Member
Username: Lexuscoop

Post Number: 1195
Registered: Dec-05
lol, i'd do the same thing lol

Silver Member
Username: Dpaw20


Post Number: 358
Registered: Mar-05
haha, wow. even people who work at audio shops are f'in retarted, its rediculous.

but at least we have ecoustics.com forums!!


Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 1851
Registered: Sep-05
its not a surprise to me.. these people dont know crap at these car stores... they also employ the cheapest labour, without any experience.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2445
Registered: Mar-04
sounds like he is a real De-De-Dee :-)

Gold Member
Username: 54danny54

Betsy layne, Kentucky..GO... USA duh

Post Number: 1990
Registered: Nov-04
"he also told me that the orion2500D amp would'nt run at 1 ohm "
i dont think its 1 ohm stable
it puts out 2500rms @2 ohms

Gold Member
Username: Lexuscoop

Post Number: 1206
Registered: Dec-05

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio Usa

Post Number: 1394
Registered: Jan-05
LOL thats pretty much every1 that works at the local shop around here, like this one guy told me that the kx600.1 was rated at 15volts, but it will produce more power in a car, cause most cars run at 18volts, i was like damn how big of alt that biotch got, 1000amps.

Silver Member
Username: Islandboy808

Mililani, Hawaii US

Post Number: 775
Registered: Nov-05
1 X 1200 @ 4 Ohm
1 X 1700 @ 2 Ohm
1 X 2500 @ 1 Ohm

Silver Member
Username: Young_james


Post Number: 976
Registered: Sep-05
I know that a lot of them are not knowledged when it comes to car audio, but they are in a business. The point is for them to make money. They could care less if they rip you off and talk trash. You never know, they may know more than you think sometime, but they do what it takes to make a sell. However, it's up to us to spot the fakers and the rip-off's. :-)

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 6664
Registered: Jul-05
Dane - ur seriously getting mixed up !

Orion 2500d is rated 2500wrms @ 1ohm

BUT Kicker 2500 (Kicker 05KX2500.1) is rated 2500wrms @ 2ohms ....

Gold Member
Username: Lexuscoop

Post Number: 1212
Registered: Dec-05
Dane, have you gotten your HoVaC yet??

Gold Member
Username: B101

Queen City, NC USA

Post Number: 1860
Registered: Sep-05
agreed with Young JAmes & THomas White!!

1 X 1200 @ 4 Ohm
1 X 1700 @ 2 Ohm
1 X 2500 @ 1 Ohm
1 X 2800-2900 @.5 OHM

Bronze Member
Username: Fiber

Post Number: 55
Registered: Mar-06
hah im not owned!

Silver Member
Username: Juliob

Santo DomingoDominican Re...

Post Number: 197
Registered: Dec-05
A guy told me that his phoenix digital 1600w (yeah right) reaches them and it really puts 500w bridged and he says that it's loud jaja looser
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