Hey, i'm looking to upgrade my CDT KA-61's with a new pair of 6.5" components for my front stage.
I'm wondering what would you guys recomennd for under 200$, 200$ being max I really don't evan want to spend that much so anything cheaper would be nice.
CL-61: 115$ EF-61: 175$
Is the sound difference worth the price difference? and is there anything else that I could put into this pricerange, I heard type-x's are supposed to be good for like 140$ off ebay.
Well with the newer models of both series you need to see what you're getting. CL-61 comes with a 1in tweet, I believe its the tw-20 which is good and better than the .75in tweeter that comes with the EF-61. Crossovers are the same. Woofers are different. The CL woofer is pretty even across the frequency range while the EF has a slightly better midrange to it. Also the EF has more warmth than the CL did. If you could save an extra 25$ over your 200$ budget I could get you a set of EF-61CF which come with a better tweet and better crossover and the woofer has a slightly different more punchy sound to it for 225$ shipped in 48states. What car is this going into?