Does anybody know why TCAB boxes get so loud?


Silver Member
Username: Jprix82

Post Number: 349
Registered: Jan-06
Why does TCAB boxes get so loud at low freq they cant tune it to your cars resonant freq because its loudest at low notes right? Is there a certain formula they use?

Bronze Member
Username: Royt


Post Number: 59
Registered: Feb-06

Bronze Member
Username: Mtmustang

Chatham, VA

Post Number: 11
Registered: Oct-05
I have a TCAB box but don't really know how to explain it. I guess really the only person who would really know how to would be Mark.

Silver Member
Username: Jprix82

Post Number: 351
Registered: Jan-06
I asked him before and all he said was "Ahhh, well you just pay for the box and sit back... the design work is left up to TCAB =). YOu get whatever works best for your application."

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2405
Registered: Mar-04
from what i have seen...TCAB is just a well built ported box. nothing all that amazing.

in all the video's w/ them doing 150dB...but subs are seeing ~1500w on burp. Well build sub/amp combo should do dam near 150dB (outlaw) if they are infact well built.

Are they good boxes...prolly so.
Are they god's gift to car audio...far from it.
I am not saying they are a waste of $...i'm just saying that anyone w/ a little know how and time can build a box that will perform equally as well as TCAB boxes. (if not better)

IMO, $300+ for a 4cuft, 1 sub box is way too much...but then again i build my own boxes. once you get into building your own boxes and aquire a knowledge start to up a lower monitary value on a box. you start to be able to relate different princicals and learn to make stuff loud and still sound good depending on the vehicle and the equiptment.

---end rant---

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2406
Registered: Mar-04
---rant begins again---

when i say "but subs are seeing ~1500w on burp."
that doesnt mean the sub(s) are on a 1500wrms means that after box rise and all factors accounted for...the sub actually get 1500w.

many times a real 3500wrms amp will actually give a sub ~1500w at given freqencies because of impedence rise.


Bronze Member
Username: Mtmustang

Chatham, VA

Post Number: 12
Registered: Oct-05
Ok, I understand what you are saying but how do you explain his boxes putting up fairly high numbers with very little power.

Silver Member
Username: Jprix82

Post Number: 352
Registered: Jan-06
is all his boxes 4 cuft per sub no matter the sizeof the sub?

Bronze Member
Username: Mtmustang

Chatham, VA

Post Number: 13
Registered: Oct-05
I doubt it, but once again that is something that you would have to ask him.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2407
Registered: Mar-04
no...all TCAB boxes are not 4cuft...nore are the $300. i was just giving an example.

i am not saying their boxes are a joke...they actually look very nice. but you have to put things in perspective.

---they have a vid of 2 diamond d6 10's doing 140.2(outlaw) @42hz on ~600w...i did 136.x legal w/ 1 brahma 10" @47hz w/ ~600w.

---they have 1 typeR 15 w/ a hifonics colosus doing 150.7dB (~1500w after box rise)...i do 148.6 w/ 1 SX15 (~750w after box rise).

Yes...they build nice boxes. i have to admit, if i didnt build my own...i would be tempted to buy one of theirs. They have time to test and tune boxes w/ a TL...they have learned how to build noce boxes over time.

I am just saying that anyone can build boxes just as good as TCAB' just have to spend a little time learning the in's and out's of SPL.

(BTW...i am by no means an expert...but i'm and doing everything i can to learn as much as i can, and i hope others do the same.)


Silver Member
Username: Jprix82

Post Number: 353
Registered: Jan-06
Hey marshall what is box rise? and by what you know so far whats the basic ins and outs of SPL?

Gold Member
Username: Sploosh56


Post Number: 1190
Registered: May-04
I agree with marshall white entirely

Silver Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 437
Registered: Jan-06
I bought a TCAB box for the fact he lives within 40 miles for me and it allowed me to drive down there, talk with him (pick his brain) and I even bought a used box, the one on the Pontiac Video because I knew it was tried and true also because I have a Pontiac so the tuning would be close. The one thing I would have to say is the SX 15 is a lot louder and cleaner than a type R so that said you can imagine how mine sounds. I don't know if this makes a difference but my box seems to be made out of 3/4" birch ply which is MUCH lighter than MDF and seems to have a deeper sound. I bought this box so as to get ideas how to make my own later, as a learning aid. $215 maye to you guys be an expensive learning lesson but think about how much testing went into this box and it wasn't done by me! Polo.. :-O


Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2410
Registered: Mar-04
polo...does that box have 4 4" ports or 6"?

Silver Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 441
Registered: Jan-06
Ummmm, you trying to figure the tune on it aren't you, lol. Yes Marshall thems 4" ports. The tuning comes out to be 41hz and around 37-ish in vehicle. The box is 4.47 gross internal volume and because the ports/sub are external it is the net too, lol. :-O

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2411
Registered: Mar-04
i'm just wondering...i'm doing a box for my SX15 w/ 2 6incher's. should be interesting to say the least.

37hz in seems kinda high to tune an SX for daily IMO. but if it sounds sounds good (i like my daily bass to be brown-note style though :-))

what kinda of numbers are you doing w/ that setup?
on what amp(s)?

Silver Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 443
Registered: Jan-06
I lover lower notes too but you don't tune one of these boxes at its lowest note. You need to tune right in the middle or slightly lower because this is not a slot ported enclosure, it will play 25 to 80hz easily. Matter of fact for techno I pust it up to 90hz to blend with the mids a little better. Most people like tuning there boxes extremely low because it lessens car rattle. Most car rattle happens above 50hz so when people hear the low notes it does sound better because most of the rattle is gone and you still get good shake. Now if you take and tighten up a vehicle, add some deadening material to get the higher rattles down to a minimum then tune the box to around 40 hz aim the ports to the rear, it is going to tune around 35hz BUT it will play all the notes from around 22 to 75-80hz and do it without wasting as much amplifier power on frequencies below the audible range. When a car flexes it gives off its own low frequencies which can be felt. I don't know how well this will work in a hatch back but Mark does run them in his blazer here is a picture of his box. Polo.. dualR12installed.jpg

Silver Member
Username: Jprix82

Post Number: 359
Registered: Jan-06
Why do they resin the inside of the box?

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2417
Registered: Mar-04
when you resin the inside of a box it makes it really smooth...air will flow easier. i makes the box alil stonger too.

also you can use resin the get rid of the corners in the box.

but here is the SPL comps, sometimes resining the box will help...sometimes it will hurt. in my install, it helped...i got a +0.6dB gain out of resin.

Silver Member
Username: Jprix82

Post Number: 360
Registered: Jan-06
dont they resin the ports or around them or something like that

Platinum Member
Username: Glasswolf

Wisteria, Lane USA

Post Number: 11384
Registered: Dec-03
if you want to learn about enclosure design, go order a bok from Amazon called, "The loudspeaker design cookbook."
Read it, understand it.
you'll learn a lot.

Gold Member
Username: Southernrebel

Monroe, Louisiana USA

Post Number: 2419
Registered: Mar-04
^yea...what glass said :-)

Silver Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 478
Registered: Jan-06
You mean this one? Z4622196798QQcategoryZ378QQssPageNameZWD10VQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 4733
Registered: Jun-04
I wanna learn more about this box tcab box anyone have any website links?

Gold Member
Username: Insearchofbass

Post Number: 4734
Registered: Jun-04
ok I found some but feel free to add more

Silver Member
Username: Ishkabobble55

Erie, Pennsylvania

Post Number: 213
Registered: Jul-05
if you wanna learn a little more go to this forum its TCABs- bac6bb90d
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