Bronze Member Username: MystrePemberville, Ohio USA Post Number: 43 Registered: Sep-05 | Read the description on this, it says that it is better than JL. Any opinions? C_VIC_RSCC_Pr4_PcY_BIN_Stores_IT |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5761 Registered: May-04 | Link isn't working. |
Bronze Member Username: MystrePemberville, Ohio USA Post Number: 45 Registered: Sep-05 | Sorry, thanks Jonathan. Try this: mZ5877218311QQcategoryZ39778QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem |
Silver Member Username: JronPost Number: 208 Registered: Jul-05 | dont believe everything you read. |
Gold Member Username: TheelfkeeperStockbridge, GA USA Post Number: 1340 Registered: Feb-05 | nope, maby as loud but sounds pretty bad imo. |
Silver Member Username: UcfsaxmanOviedo/orlando, Fl Post Number: 689 Registered: May-05 | oh not this again i believe it was jonathan or maybe glass that said the 9500 don't compare to JL. MTX tried to compare the 10" models of the w7 and 9500 but after the 10's and you begin to work your way up in size the Jl's start to kill the 9500 on every level. |
Bronze Member Username: MystrePemberville, Ohio USA Post Number: 46 Registered: Sep-05 | This was meant to be funny, I wasn't looking to get it or anything like that. I thought it was funny. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5762 Registered: May-04 | Look under "JL w7 vs Kicker Solo X" in the speaker section of the forum. Turned into one of the 100+ post threads of meaningless babble. |
Bronze Member Username: NissankickerGrambling, LA USA Post Number: 30 Registered: Mar-06 | Yeah, b/c eveyone know that the Solo X is better than the w7 ... JL are WEAK! very weak... everyone knows that... I'll put up a Kick Comp vs. a JL w( whatever )... Kickers take more and give more! There are many Subs better than JL |
Silver Member Username: HomegrowncamWatauga, TX United States Post Number: 241 Registered: Jan-05 | DJ I sure hope you are joking in that last post. Yeah there may be better subs then JL but kicker comps are definetely not better then the w series! |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5781 Registered: May-04 | Kicker is garbage. 'Nuff said. Asian built crapola. |
Silver Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 452 Registered: Jan-06 | Kicker makes good amps, that is it! Polo.. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5782 Registered: May-04 | Yeah, their amps are good for the money. Speakers aren't all that bad either. But the subs are crap. |
Silver Member Username: HomegrowncamWatauga, TX United States Post Number: 243 Registered: Jan-05 | Oh from what I have heard their speakers aren't that great unless you go with the SS compnents. Are their speakers decent? |
Bronze Member Username: NissankickerGrambling, LA USA Post Number: 34 Registered: Mar-06 | I'd choose Kicker or JL Audio anyday... Yeah I know a Comp/Comp VR isn't better than a w7... BUT! I know it's more reliable! JL can't take a beaten like Kicker can, and that's known! Kicker has Excellent amps, and Great subs... And about their speakers... Kicker KX6x9s are the Sh!t.. And yes, kicker speakers do sound better w/ a comp. set |
Silver Member Username: HomegrowncamWatauga, TX United States Post Number: 246 Registered: Jan-05 | IMO I still say JL is more reliable. And from what I hear kicker has bad tinsel leads on there subwoofers, the l5s and l7s if I am correct, not exactly sure though. |
Bronze Member Username: NissankickerGrambling, LA USA Post Number: 44 Registered: Mar-06 | That is VERY TRUE!.. BUT!!!! Only when they are missed used and not handled right... Ex: NO BREAK IN PERIOD ( 1 month recommendation by ) And Excessive wattage... KX2500.1 w/ gain set ALL the way UP! With these two situations, YES! you will have Tinsel Lead problems, and you will have to resolder them on... |
Silver Member Username: HomegrowncamWatauga, TX United States Post Number: 250 Registered: Jan-05 | Oh well everyone is entitled to there own opinion. |
Bronze Member Username: NissankickerGrambling, LA USA Post Number: 50 Registered: Mar-06 | I know, i'm not stoppin' you from sayin' anything... |
Silver Member Username: Safe_crackerChicago, IL US Post Number: 481 Registered: Jan-06 | Kicker might be ok for the younger crowd, but being older some of us know the truth! ![]() |
Gold Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 1775 Registered: Sep-05 | let me start back from the top, and read this again. LOL wayyyyy bigggg hugggeeee difference.... SQ= Sound Quality SQL= Sound Quality and LOUDENSS SPL= PURE LOUDNESS.. little or NO SQ! Kicker subs are SPL subs for the most parts, so they cant even compare to JL as far as quality. WE take it DJ loves SPL only! |
Gold Member Username: SouthernrebelMonroe, Louisiana USA Post Number: 2423 Registered: Mar-04 | hey DJ... i saw that you are from Grambling...i'm in Monroe. Since it seems that you like SPL...have you ever been to a comp? I have a lil team starting up and i need some more people to start going to comps w/. There is going to be a single point USACi show in Shreveport on April 2nd. Hit me w/ an email man: oh...and for the record: JL > kicker (for SQ and SQL) kicker > JL (for SPL) |
Gold Member Username: Chaunb3400Huntsville, Alabama U.S. Post Number: 6093 Registered: Jul-05 | ^^yep, anybody that says kicker is nothing but crap are 1 of 2 things, 1. Too Old, 2.Ignorant, thats it |
Bronze Member Username: NissankickerGrambling, LA USA Post Number: 57 Registered: Mar-06 | Marshall .. I'll be in touch w/ you bro! Hmm, the Solo-X 18 won the USACi and IASCA SQ Championship! soo.. Kicker did beat JL, KICKER is BETTER, IMO And Kicker crushes JL in SPL * Duh * |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5790 Registered: May-04 | "Hmm, the Solo-X 18 won the USACi and IASCA SQ Championship! soo.. Kicker did beat JL, KICKER is BETTER, IMO" Depends on how you look at it. Kicker SPONSORS a highly successful IASCA competitor by the name of Gary Biggs, who could win with Sony Xplod if he wanted to. He's just that good. There are a lot of drivers he uses in that vehicle of other brands, which he simply calls a "Kicker prototype" because their off the shelf stuff isn't up to snuff for a SQ competition. Ever wonder why his installs are so secretive with the product list? There's your answer. Furthermore, it isn't THE IASCA championship. It is A championship within a given division. Tony Pasquale II has won for 3 years in a row in his class, and is using JL 10IB4s and 15W3v2s in his ride. Kicker didn't "beat" JL, they were simply in a successful SQ car in a given division. On top of that, Gary Biggs has other subs that take care of SQ duties, the Solo-X is simply there so he can hit cap. A Kicker Comp VR is tougher than a W7? That's isn't objective, it's just ignorant. A Kicker Comp VR is tougher than JL's entry level stuff, I'll give you that, but if you think it's halfway up to par with a W6v2 or a W7, you're talking out of a smelly oriface on that one. I used to deal Kicker AND JL. I've dealt with the customer returns, seen how many L7s fail for no good reason, as well as Comps and Comp VRs. They aren't "all that". They really aren't tough enough to talk about in all honesty. If you really want to see a overbuilt subwoofer, step past Kicker and buy something from Digital Designs. Then you'll see what the toughest subs in the industry are. And you'll understand why they're smacking Kicker around in SPL competitions. JL's subs are built extremely well. They were the most reliable subs I dealt, and this was in comparison to those from Focal, Boston Acoustics, Kicker, Diamond Audio (for a short time), Eclipse, MB Quart (again for a short time, subs weren't that great), and a couple of others here and there. |
Gold Member Username: Jonathan_fGA USA Post Number: 5791 Registered: May-04 | "Ex: NO BREAK IN PERIOD ( 1 month recommendation by ) And Excessive wattage... KX2500.1 w/ gain set ALL the way UP! With these two situations, YES! you will have Tinsel Lead problems, and you will have to resolder them on..." Breaking in is a myth from the standpoint of a sub having problems. It won't matter if the suspension is loosened up or not. If you don't break in a sub, it still shouldn't snap a tinsel lead, it just won't perform up to par (read: sound right) until the suspension is loosened up. Saying a tinsel lead broke because the sub wasn't given time to "break in" is just a BS excuse for a crappy built sub. They do have trouble with the tinsel leads breaking, regardless of a run in period or not. They also have trouble with the surround separating, the voice coil rubbing, lead slap, cone cracking, overall poor SQ due to cone distortion, as well as other numerous issues. Square subs are just a dumb structural engineering at work. |
Gold Member Username: B101Queen City, NC USA Post Number: 1790 Registered: Sep-05 | I totally aggree with Jonathan on this! Breakin-IN is a MYTH!! Ive said it b4... "Square subs are just a dumb structural engineering at work." ![]() DJ Ill put a DD, TREO, Jugernaunt against Kicker anyday! Kicker is always geting reconed, they cant take much more power than they are rated either, without the problems Johnathan listed above..... DJ u think L7 louder than a DD? or Treo CSX/ssx? Hell my TSX is louder than a L7... seriously with the power im feeding it... something like 5X the RMS value! try that on the L7! |
Gold Member Username: CarguyPost Number: 5396 Registered: Nov-04 | L7 is a mistake the Kicker SHOULD fix. They're just too proud to admit their mistake, just like Viper. Those idiots changed the Viper's unique look/design into a "common" Corvette wannabe. Compare 1996 Viper with 2005 Viper, then look at Corvette. Must've been the same designer or somehow related. |
Gold Member Username: CenusHicksville, Ohio Usa Post Number: 1410 Registered: Jan-05 | don't forget shocker and atomic subs on that spl sub list. |