Installer interview help...


Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1434
Registered: Jul-04
Well, a buddy of mine works at Circuit city as an Install tech there. I've got an interview there tomorrow.

I just wanted to know if theres anything i should know before i go in. I obvioisly know how to wire amps, HU, subs, remote starters, and abit about alarms.

Just wondering if anyones gone in for an interview before and what i should expect?

Gold Member
Username: Tdbdadrummer

Wellsburg, WV USA

Post Number: 1403
Registered: Aug-05

Well, considering the quality work most CC stores do on their installs, you shouldn't have to know much...

My friend had an alarm system installed there. They screwed it up a total of 4 times before they got it right...

Gold Member
Username: Sploosh56


Post Number: 1165
Registered: May-04
how much will you be making? or is it commision?

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 5374
Registered: Dec-04
"I just wanted to know if theres anything i should know before i go in. I obvioisly know how to wire amps, HU, subs, remote starters, and abit about alarms"

that should be enough

Silver Member
Username: Mixneffect

Orangevale, Ca. USA

Post Number: 848
Registered: Apr-05
Just tell em you re a gold member at

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 5375
Registered: Dec-04
lolol mix:-)

Gold Member
Username: Sploosh56


Post Number: 1168
Registered: May-04
hahaha nice

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1435
Registered: Jul-04
"how much will you be making? or is it commision?"

I beleive i start at $11.50 an hour plus tips.

Talking to my friend he said he'll make about 200 a week in tips on just HU installs.

The CC is in a pretty weathly area where people throw money around like its monkey's throwing poo.

Silver Member
Username: Iufan4lifeul

Post Number: 977
Registered: May-05
I worked and will be working again soon as a car audio salesman at Circuit City. Great environment and great store. I know it isn't the greatest products but MTX, Pioneer, Infinity, and Kicker all have at least decent stuff. Plus, at least the one I worked at, the install guys were really knowledgable.

Gold Member
Username: Sploosh56


Post Number: 1173
Registered: May-04
I should get a job there. Screw Taco Bell at $7.00 an hour

Silver Member
Username: Terry6405

Sullivan, IN US

Post Number: 484
Registered: Sep-05
dont feel to bad wahl,

movie gallery 5.25

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1436
Registered: Jul-04
Holy crap. Min. Wage here is 7.40 an hour...

5.25, i couldn't even eat off that...well i could get by if i didnt have such expensive hobbies...

Gold Member
Username: Cenus

Hicksville, Ohio Usa

Post Number: 1310
Registered: Jan-05
i love taco bell, their chalupas are fvckin awsome.

Gold Member
Username: Tdeaton1021

Near Tampa, Florida USA

Post Number: 2289
Registered: Sep-04
taco bell might be worth it if you get to eat on the job lol... i work for my dad so i dont get paid by the hour. i get paid roughly $14 per blue print i run. but im not always doing that. sometimes i file and be the other employees b!tch lol.

Gold Member
Username: Southern_bass

Paris, Tennessee U.S.

Post Number: 1897
Registered: Dec-05
tips at circuit city ?? huh they get tips ? lol

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 5376
Registered: Dec-04
yeah I didnt realize they got tip's either.

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1437
Registered: Jul-04
apparently alot of people tip there installer...cant verify it as i havent worked nor do i absolutly have the job yet...i wont complain though if somebody wants to give me money...

Silver Member
Username: Ironslave

Offutt AFB, Nebraska U.S.A.

Post Number: 297
Registered: Sep-05
wow tips thats cool..
i wish the pilots would tip me when i fixed their plane..... :-(

military pay isnt too bad though... 2400$ a month.. rent for a 2 story house here is around 650$ a month.... lolz... it's a tough life though... better than a cashier at a grocery store.
although i would rather work as a car audio tech..

New member
Username: Inafia

Cleveland, Ohio USA

Post Number: 5
Registered: Feb-06
i had circuit city wire up my first system, 3 compvrs and 2 mtx amps, DG cap, it was all bought from there so i said why waste my time and do it when its done for free. i came back 4 hours later after some walking around the mall...i came into there garage...guy says somehow we blew every fuse in ur panel...ur car barely runs right now but we are getting u new i got a 50% discount and some new fuses...FoCK CIRCUIT CITY...AND BESTBUY

Gold Member
Username: Jmloughrey

Farmington, CT

Post Number: 1438
Registered: Jul-04
i love how i ask a question and then it turns into bad experiences people had at this place. I couldn't give a damnut your experiences, i asked if theres anything i should know. Everyone has a bad experience somewhere, if you can make it through life without a bad experience you are either mis-informed or you dont get out much.

I couldn't care less if they blew up your car. You should be happy enough they were kind eough to tell you they fucked something up...

Silver Member
Username: Kaos15th

Post Number: 150
Registered: Mar-05
Evedrybody at best buy circuit city can lick my balls and so can you jeff loughrey The only people that apply there are idiots who are never doing anything in life and are losers. Wow youre really gonna go far working for buttbuy.
We could care less if you want to work at buttbuy you should be happy enough people even aswered you.......

Silver Member
Username: Nemen

Trinidad & Tobago West...

Post Number: 364
Registered: Dec-05
hahaha you tell him avalanche I doubt he would last long since hes an @sshole and somebody is gonna run his @ss over i know i would off.

Silver Member
Username: Lewass

Bloomfield Hills, MI USA

Post Number: 224
Registered: Jan-06
He's gonna get all kinds of phat tips with that attitude... lol

Silver Member
Username: Graphix1

Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 750
Registered: Oct-05
yea i hope he gets the job and somebody shoots his nuts off cause of his attitude..... @sshole

whatsup nemen...i c u still reppin TT


ppl still remember you that sh!t you said to NOLIMIT a while ago & i can safely say ppl here still hate you cause you never even apologised to him

Silver Member
Username: Graphix1

Santa Rosa Heights, Arima Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 753
Registered: Oct-05

Silver Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 347
Registered: Jan-06
Jeff, any and all of the store installers SVCK nasty donkey balls! Maybe you can make a difference by going there but one thing, if you go to find another job, DO NOT put down that you worked there, think of it as a free experence. Polo..

Gold Member
Username: Lexuscoop

Post Number: 1016
Registered: Dec-05
if anything, being a gold member on ecoustics would make him over qualliified. if you tell him about ecoustics, maybe say your a mid silver (500 posts) so they don't get shown up by a rooky. keep inmind like tyler said, you have LOTS of room for error so maybe do that for a little while lol.

Silver Member
Username: Iufan4lifeul

Post Number: 978
Registered: May-05
The circuit city I worked at the installers didn't get tips. And avalanche. Just because those people know more than you doesn't mean you can trash talk them. Seriously though, the CC I worked at. I had at least 3 or 4 people that had dealt with RE, ID, Eclipse, etc. They weren't stupid. Sure, some people that work there are retarded because it is easy to get a job. My point is, the one I worked at all had knowledgeable staffing. If you want to B!itch go right ahead.

Silver Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 349
Registered: Jan-06
Chris maybe for the fact that you are not a gold member that would be the reason you thought they were knowledgeable? I can't say anything because I have a long way to go but I have double the years/experience on you but maybe if we keep trash talking here we can get closer to knowing all, GOLD BABY, LOL..Polo.. :-O

Gold Member
Username: Sploosh56


Post Number: 1174
Registered: May-04
one time on an 8 hour shift I ate 18 soft tacos. That's right 18 lol!

Silver Member
Username: Kaos15th

Post Number: 152
Registered: Mar-05
hahaha god statement polo im not gonna try and argue with a kid who works at circus city let him back up his circus.

if you were interviewing this guy would you employe him because hes overqualified, or would you not employe him becuase hes a FUCKINGASSHOLE!!!...?

if you were interviewing this guy would you employ him because hes overqualified, or would you not employ him because hes a FUCKINGASSHOLE!!!...?

Silver Member
Username: Safe_cracker

Chicago, IL US

Post Number: 356
Registered: Jan-06
Hey ANON........Upload

Silver Member
Username: Redliner

Wilmington, Ma

Post Number: 877
Registered: Jun-05
lol $5.25 that sucks i feel bad for ya man min wage in MA is 6.75 and if i made that i would still neva have money especially for car audio and wahl how did u eat 18 tacos the most ive ever eaten is 15 lol there wicked good though

Silver Member
Username: Iufan4lifeul

Post Number: 987
Registered: May-05
First off, there is no good custom car audio store around. The only one sells Sony, Kicker, Alpine, and a little memphis. I would rather work at CC and sell Kicker, MTX, Infinity, Pioneer. Also, I have to have something called a job. It was a good job, low stress, that paid $9.00 starting. I also got all my kicker amplifiers and wiring for %80 off. I actually have to work my butt off to make money. If I could work with RE, AA, Eclipse, DLS, etc. all day long I would, but I can't. Therefore the next best thing is Circuit City. And since you have never visited the store then you can't say sh!t. Plus, I feel like I bring even more knowledge to the store. If people who are smart about that stuff don't work there, then it will never be properly staffed.
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