Any of you played with the sx kickers amps just wanted to know because when setting it for lowpass it's different the some others.For the lowpass setting it has freq to adjust just thought maybe one of you found where it sounds good i played with it a bit but not to much.Just wanted to know what you thought of the sx kickers
ok thanks so thats how to adjust the turn off Kompressor adjust then trun on Kompressor.I didn't get a chance to read the whole manual but starting to now
If you don't like the compressor you can shut it off. Also you need to set the correct gain range. Play a test tome through your head unit and measure the voltage with a DMM coming out of your RCA connectors. Go to your amp and hit the right arrow and it will brin you to the first menu, use the up/down arrows to get you to the "system" menu. Once you got to system hit the right arrow this will bring you to an advanced menu, again press the up/down key to get you to amp gain range. After you have measured your head unit voltage or if you know what it is rated at. Once you have gotten to the amp gain range menu, hit right arrow and again use up/down arrow to select proper range, either 1V, 2V, 4V, 8V and 16V, choose the one closest to your voltage. To get out of the advanced menu keep clicking the left arrow. This amp has a lot of features and will take time to master it. Polo..
I got that set my head unit is 4v and i got the other gain set.I see the amp has a tone built in you can use to set it man these got alot of stuff in them it sounds good in attack mode now just to get the rest of it set as far as whats the best freq for the low-pass not use to these amps.I guess play by ear