Anyone know how to remove the door panels on a 1999 Cadillac Seville SLS. Theres only one visible screw on teh panel, and ive removed it, but it dont seem to snap off like most the other pieces of the car. Will it just pry off? I was afraid to pry too hard without finding out if there were more screws.
Ive been tryin to pull it off, but it wont all come off. Theres lil plastic pieces that pop into place and hold it on, and just 2 screws. THe only part i cant get off is the place around the lock. It wont come off over the lock and i cant figure out how to get the lock thing off. Any suggestions?
on my escalade i had to take the part with all the window and door lock buttons off to get the door off. after i did that i pulled up and it pops off. (but first i took out all visible screws of course)