I thought i knew alot about car audio so im kinda embarassed to ask this but it would make my subs hit harder if i can do this. Ok I have a 2 channel amp and 2 alpine type r 12" dvc 4 ohm. Currently i have them wired in a series/ parrallel but to two seperate channels. A loop from a positive to a negitive, then run wires from the other positve and negitive to the amp on one channel. Now heres the question. Since i have two channels can I wire both subs seperatly in parrallel to my amp? this would be a 2 ohm load for each channel. I think i can but i really dont wanna burn my amp up. Thanks.
yeh the amp is two ohm stable. no the pic is wrong the sybs are currently not wired to one another. now another question. When wiring the subs in parrallel one power cord goes through all + and all - connections. Do i use two seperate power cords? like loop from + to + then another wire from + to amp? or is it supposed to be all one wire?
well... to wire parallel you would run a seperate + cable to each + terminal and a - Cable From the Amp to each Terminal...
i guess going from amp + to VC+ to VC + would work...i dont see why not... and same for - it's still parallel... but it would be a more even distribution if you ran a seperate cable to each teminal... electricity takes the path of least resistance... so it would go to the 1st positive than trickle off to the next if you used one cable... technically.....
i would just split the cables at the input teminals from your box to your sub....
This is what i want to do but shady about how to wire it. so use a little wire from one vc to the other on the + then one wire from the last + to amp and same with -? sorry im a little confused.
you could do it like that..... its still a parallel curcuit...running one or the other... my only quirk is the laws of electricity... it would tend to push toward the 1st circuit but it's not that big of a differentce... its not like your running 3 feet of cable to get from one positive to the other