So I was doing it again... yknow... doing what you're not supposed to do. I needed to reroute my power cable to my amplifier so that it was further away from my speaker cable to clean the sound up a bit - and that's when it happened. I forgot to unplug the power cable for the amplifier. The power cable touched the line-outs for the speakers, and now there's no sound. The amp still turns on, but as there's no sound I'm not sure if its the amp or not. I would assume that since the power cable touched the speaker OUTS it would be the speakers that are blown. Can anybody help? I'd appreciate it
I think it maybe the amp.. I've used a 9v battery a couple times to test the polarity of subs in my friends car and just quick taps didn't do any harm.. but if your amp is grounded pretty good, it might be the speakers..
This is kinda off topic, but it reminded of this time when one of my "friends" that jacks car audio got 2 L5s and a Kicker amp, i think it idiot hooked the ground to the postive and vise versa.. When i cracked her open all the solder was "spilled" to say all over the circut board... then he got stuck with a bunch of dual crap.. lmao