i just gave my brother 2 jl audio w6v1's. they are 12's. like i said they are the v1's. he doesn't think they are loud enough for him. he has a crossfire 600d amp which i believe the rms watts are at 879. he wants to buy 2 kicker L7 10's. now i know we are comparing 10's to 12's but what would be louder. thats what he really wants is loud. so........any comments? thankx,, jason
the kickers are know for sounding a size louder so the 10's will be as loud as 12's but if you setup the w6's properly they should be fairly loud. check the wiring. w/ the w6's being dual 6 ohm the wiring can be tricky he may not be getting the most out of the amp or even giving the subs enough power.