Looking for new system plz help


Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 15
Registered: Jan-06
first off how's everyone doing? secondly what do these mean SPL? SQ? SQL? ok now that we have that out of the way its going to be spring soon so im looking for a new system. I have a 2000 dodge Dakota club cab, 2 RF x500.2 amps and 2 alpine 12 r's dvc 4 ohms. I would like to upgrade the amps to one amp and new subs. I really want the earth shattering shake the sh!t out of ya sound. budget im looking at 1000 to 1500 I might get a new head unit to I was looking at the alpine 9857 but im not sure about it, its only 2v preouts and im not sure I can hook my pioneer xm unit up to HU. I guess ill take and recommendations on HU also.

thanks for any help

Silver Member
Username: Langless28

Post Number: 311
Registered: Dec-04
spl is sound pressure level, its basically how loud the sub is reguardless of how good it sounds. sq is sound quality which means the sub might not be as loud but sounds really good. every note is accuratly played. sql is a mix of both worlds, it is a loud sub but still sounds clear. so slp subs are more towards loudness and sq subs aim more towards sound quality. sql are in the middle.

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 16
Registered: Jan-06
ive been looking a getting re subs eather their se or sx line in 12". the se are 600wrms and the sx are 1000wrms what would a good amp be to get.

Bronze Member
Username: Jemone

Stone Mountain, Georgia United States

Post Number: 95
Registered: Jan-06
I would get the hifonics Brutus series 1000watt amp the power will be pretty true,and their pretty inexpensive on the net.

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 17
Registered: Jan-06
im kinda looking at 2 re se 12's and a jbl gto 1201.1 ll would that be a good combo. the se's are 600wrms and the amp puts out
787 watts RMS x 1 channel at 4 ohms
and U 1% THD + N

1114 watts RMS x 1 channel at 2 ohms,
14.4V supply and U 1% THD + N
would that work or should i look at something different.

thanks for all your help everyone

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 5204
Registered: Dec-04
you can't wire to se's to a 2ohm load they are dual 4ohm subs. Look for a amp that does 1200x1@1ohm. I reccomend the kicker 1200.1. The older JBL bp 1200.1 is better then the new GTO line.

Gold Member
Username: Southern_bass

Paris, Tennessee U.S.

Post Number: 1810
Registered: Dec-05
in ur 1st post you said u want it to shake the shi t out ya , id get a 15'' sx instead of se's

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 18
Registered: Jan-06
ive never had a mono amp before so ive never had to worry about hooking to subs to a single point on an amp. thanks for saying something. i found the kicker amp at hifisoundconnection for $339.50 is that a good price for that amp?

thanks agian for all your help

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 19
Registered: Jan-06
casey i dont think im going to have enough room for the box with 15's i was thinking the same thing. but you have to be relistic its a truck and there is only so much room in the cab. unless i build a custom fiberglass box to get ever sq inch out of it i just dont think its going to fit.

Bronze Member
Username: Seth_walker


Post Number: 13
Registered: Jul-05
I'd go with a 15" RE Sx w/ a RE 12.1 amp. Never heard the Sx personally but it's supposed to get pretty crazy. If I remember correctly that'd be about $700 for both.

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 5206
Registered: Dec-04
yes thats a good price. you dont have to run 2 subs how about 1-15?

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 20
Registered: Jan-06
but once agian there isnt that much room at the most from the back wall to the front seat and im guestamating here is 24" but i really want to say its only like 18" and i dont think that is big enought to fit a box in there. ill have to measure tonight after work and let you guys now how much room i have.

Gold Member
Username: Southern_bass

Paris, Tennessee U.S.

Post Number: 1819
Registered: Dec-05
in an extended cab truck you should be able to fit it , marshall has an ext. cab silverado and has a 15'' sx

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 21
Registered: Jan-06
thats a full size truck i have a dakota

Gold Member
Username: James1115


Post Number: 5215
Registered: Dec-04
I wouldnt consider a dakota a full size truck.

Silver Member
Username: Night_mirage


Post Number: 170
Registered: Jan-06
what do u think about CVX kicker sub's

230$ each sub

sx1250.1 amp .. 650$

Total = 1110$

with ported Box .. Thats my System .

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 22
Registered: Jan-06
ok well this is what i came up with from the back wall the the seats i have 16" from the floor ( trany hump) up i have 15" and from side wall the side wall i have 50". thats about the best i can do, my seat backs are at an angle to. so i dont think i can fit a 15 in there

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 23
Registered: Jan-06
what about two 12" sx what amp should i get for those? does it have to be a mono amp or can it be a two channel amp?

Gold Member
Username: Rovin

Trinidad & T...

Post Number: 5843
Registered: Jul-05
buy 2 of these http://www.ikesound.com/product-product_id/2424

or 1 of this

Bronze Member
Username: Showrides

Hartford, CT USA

Post Number: 17
Registered: Feb-06
Check these out. Exactly what you are looking for.

http://s123949004.onlinehome.us/index.php?cPath=202_24_274&osCsid=9d3ef12d13c21a 80ec42215bad591261

Also, feel free to contact me at showcarsite@gmail.com.

Bronze Member
Username: Seth_walker


Post Number: 14
Registered: Jul-05
Ya two 12" sx's would be sweet. they'd match up nicely with those viper amps rovin was talkin about. hey rovin would that orion amp work. I didn't think you could run two dual 2 ohm subs at a 1 ohm load?

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 24
Registered: Jan-06
rovin that Orion WCC-D2400 looks good to power two sx's but wont it over power them? also i tried to look the amp up on the net to see how big it was but i couldnt find the size of it, does anyone now how big it is? should i put the sx's in a ported or sealed box? does anyone know the price on eather the se or sx in 12"

thanks agian on all your help

Silver Member
Username: Goose5714

Post Number: 199
Registered: Feb-06
Don't really worry about overpowering because most of these nice subs will take the extra power really well. However with two sx's you can only wire both of them to 2 or 4 ohms, so i would get 2 vipers and wire each sx too 1 ohm and hook em up.

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 25
Registered: Jan-06
just thinking here sx's are dvc 2ohm only how would i wire 2 of them up to a mono amp to get a 1ohm load. also i would really like to get away from having two amps. but if comes down to it i could get the two vipers.

Bronze Member
Username: Akac

Post Number: 26
Registered: Jan-06
ok ive been thinking about this all day. could i fit two 15" sx's in a custom fiberglass box. could that work? how much cubic feet would those boxes have to be. here are the specs from re's webpage.Upload
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