I have read this somwhere that u should use a 1khz sine wave to adjust your setup instead of music.....i am bout to blow my sytem up cuz it seems that it is always cliping and nobody i know knows how to adjust it right.....i might hack into the clip led an run it into the cab so i can tell if i need to turn it down for differnt songs/cds but anyway does that 1khz sine wave work
o i just listen to that 1khz wave and it hurt the H#$L out my ears
a sub isnt supposed to be producing sound over 100hz so i dont see how a 1khz test tone is going to be in any way effective. i dont know what test tone would work but i would think something much lower.
well thats whut i was think as i was typing it too and listenting to the sound.....so i might have read something wrong but whut tone should be used to adjust a sub the highest freq u want it to go to and just adjust it till it sounds the best or whut