OK, I can either get this at a local sound shop ($189.95) and have them install it ($35 two year warranty) or I can install it (free but only a one year warranty).....or, I can buy it over E-Bay (price ranging from $112 to $175 with $30 shipping) and have the sound shop install it ($65) or install it myself. I'm not really worried about money, I just want to know what the best option is. I'm thinking just go ahead and buy it from the sound shop and have them do the install so that I get the 2 year warranty. Opinions please.
woops almost forgot...since I have looked at this radio...and I do plan on adding to the system a little at a time, since it has 3 RCA jacks (front, rear, and sub). How good a radio is it? I know Pioneer Premier is good. But does anyone out there have this radio, and what is your opinion?
Sorry people, but one more question...what is the difference (if any) between the DEH-P480MP and the DEH-4800MP...is the 4800 the regular Pioneer version and the 480 the Premier version? I see both listed and I want the better one.