What is the best way to wire 2 high end 6x9's and 2 1.5" dome tweeters. What amp is better for this 2 or 4. Will the 2ch blow the tweeters if they are hooked up with the 6x9's? kappa 6x9's, or the best kicker 6x9's, or (pioneer 5way, if they are 1 of the best for the price) is what will be used on the amp. I want it to exclude the head unit for power. Just amp! Thanks
well, you could use a 2 channel depending on what kind of load you'll put ont he amp and only if the tweeters have their own crossovers. if the tweeters don't, then you'll just blow them.
you'll have to use a 4 channel and run the 6x9's on one set of channels and the tweets on another, but you'll have to find a 4 channel that'll let you do seperate high pass filters for each pair of channels. or 2 2 channels.
not sure what to set the crossovers to for the tweeters though, but 80hz should work fine for the 6x9's.
the Kappas should sound nice, haven't heard the kickers and the pioneers being 5 way doesn't really make them better.