I ran into a free piece of plexiglass the other day, and by just by chance I'm starting to build a box now as well. It's going to be a sealed box and I'm estimating that I'll have about 6-7 cubes total. I'm putting 2 S15L7's in it. I'm also estimating that the piece of plexiglass is about 10mm thick (not sure on that but I'll measure it tomorrow...). I'll be putting it on the top of the box with the subs facing horizontally. I'm not worrying about size of the window at this point because I'll probably have an "X" type deal cut out in the wood for support anyways. So basically my question is will the glass hold up in the box as a window type deal and if so how can I actually attach the piece onto the inside of the box? Thanks
to use lexan or plexi in an enclosure on a load bearing surface, you'll need it to be a minimum of 3/4" thick. Otherwise the plastic is going to flex and color the output.