My alt. died lol.


Silver Member
Username: Nocc1n


Post Number: 180
Registered: May-05
So i'm drivin down the road today, the music wasn't even loud. then all of a sudden my voltage light cut on. I was like sh!t there went my alternator. Got to my grandma's and tested everything with my multimeter. 11.2v When running! YAY! So I drove it home with absolutely nothin on while its raining, no wipers lights or music. Fun drive if I might add. Pulled it in the shop and took the alternator off. It's gettin rebuilt as we speak and im ordering my H.O. one on monday.

Silver Member
Username: Theelfkeeper

Stockbridge, GA USA

Post Number: 980
Registered: Feb-05
mine did that too a month ago or so. started making a "whine" noise from alternator and through speakers, sat at 11 volts at idle, but still jumped to 14.4 at higher rpms. think a diode burned up or something, still have it. lol, i don't guess 160 amps was large enough.
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