I've done a lot more reading than I'd have liked to, but I think I've finally decided on what I want. I listen to a lot of classic/modern rock and alternative. I'm looking for a system that'll get loud, but has good sq, in a standard cab truck with limited space, and cheaper is better. So this is what I came up with:
PIONEER DEH-P770MP: $200 Focal mids (up for suggestions) MTX MXA8001: $220 2 Adire Shivas in ~1 cubic truck boxes: $250
Any yay's or nay's before I start throwing money around? Also, anybody know how long the shivas might take through speedsound.com, they're on backorder. Thanks.
Posted on
add to that Focal 165CV1 6.5" in the doors, Infinity 6412CV 4x6 in the dash.