Ok mu subs were working fine then i went to make room in trunk to put food in there so i pushed them back a little bit cause i know my amp is behind them. and i heard a little pop. my subs came back on but they DO NOT hit as hard as they use to. I did not install this myself and that guy that did is to far away from me to consider letting him fix them. I listen to the subs and it seems as if i get more vocals out of them then the hard hitting sound i use to have. My though is either the above title of this post or maybe something blew on the amp its self. i have a 800 watt amp pushing 2 12's.
Maybe hit the crossover switch (if it has one depending on amp) check and see if there is a little switch that has lpf hpf. if it does make sure its on the lpf and not hpf if you need to do it do it with the stereo off
get yourself a Ohm/volt meter. Then check your subs for ohm resistance. After turn ur amp on and put ur deck to max volume and check it for the voltage it puts out. When ur done post the numbers.
ok i will try and get to a shop and get that tested. but i work from 10 to 7 and most shops around here close at 6. If someone could give me a detailed how to im a girl and dont know to much about electrical things.
Is there a guide somewhere that I can look at im not totally stupid. I connected the wires corretly hot to hot etc. Can u explain what ur talking about series and paralell? I just need atiny bit of help quickly.
sorry, did u make sure that the dmm was on the correct voltage scale reading dc voltage?
u said:
Ok i tested both amps and volts. Amps i got nothing Volts i got between 22 - 24
now i hope u didnt have hot hot when u tested for amps. <that would fry the internal fuse of a dmm. it will also make a dmm read incorrect voltage after that.
how did u measure 22 volts in a car is not correct at all, the car use a 12 volt system.
When you have your meter in ohm setting, zero the meter. this is done by holding 2 probes together. what does the meter say? if it dont say 0 ohms, its something internally wrong with it.
Ok thanks B for workin with me when i hold the 2 probes together at the 200 ohms selction i get 00.3 for my reading.
I need more info what is the dmm?
Ok the way my speakers are hooked up i got the silver gauge running from the positive and the red from the negative. So the red probe went on the silver and the black probe on the red gauge wire. Also my friend told me to hook my ipod straight to the amp and when i did that my subs were putting out a garbled sound. tonight i will try my roomies amp and see what happens. Hey B if u could keep helpin me i would be forever grateful.
Dmm is a Digital Multi Meter. Its a electricians best friend. Your DMM zeroed out to 0.3 so its not to far off. It still works. When you measure the subs for ohms(resistance) make sure its disconected from the amplifier, cause you will aslo be measureing the amplifiers interneal resistance! Try your romates amp see what happens. Ill keep checkin the post to help you.