seperate them. the air moving inside will make the other subwoofer play differently which gives you bad sq. and if one of them blows, the other sub will automatically be 2x louder and blow too.
it is recommeded generally that each sub has its own air volume/space
- imo ,its only the lazy @ss ppl who find it hard just to put a separation board try to justify that nothing is wrong by not having it separated ......
thats funny cause i had two 15" l7's and this guy from the radio shop told me that two subs sharing sealed box space is like 1.5 db louder. so i cut out the divider between them and pretty soon i blew a sub. then a couple of days later another one blew.
Then how do i put a divider into a fiberglass box? and how do i know where to put it to get equal spaces in each chamber? the box is odd shaped.
its doesn't matter. Same as with ported enclosures. Ported/vented enclosures are known to share enclosure space and nothing effects them. But they are right, if one blows it'll be harder to tell if it is unless you freeze the VC so the sub won't even move.
Lucas, you should go look for that guy and beat the crap out of him right there at the radio shop. then drag him to your car and tell him, "thanks to your advice look at what happened to my l7s!"(hit him)"You stupid piece of sh!t!"(hit him again)............(hit him again) Then put him in front of your car and run his azz over. then get out of the car and kick him in the face.(then shoot him in the azz)
It has been proven that multiple drivers that share the same space has produced problems if one should malfunction leaving the other one to operate in twice the space.
Twice the space will change the air pressure in the box.
Having separate chambers allows each driver to reproduce its own response clean and not be affected by the pressure from the other driver.
When designing an enclosure you must take in consideration everything. If you want separate chambers, then you must design the box in such a way so that you may be able to build it. If you plan on building a "glob" shaped enclosure... GOOD LUCK splitting it evenly, and/or even being able to build the divider so that it will not leak.
i now of another audio place that said something stupid.....well actually did that. No wall in between 2 subs it sounded horrible at loud volume...but turned low it sounded decent...guess what company did it....TWEETER i though they would have since to put a wall in between the 2....nope
it is perfectly fine for 2 subs to share the same airspace...just make sure they are getting the same signal. (not out of phase or they will fight one another)
2 subs can share the same air space (ported and sealed) if the following needs are met: ---they are wired in phase w/ one another ---they are getting the same signal (ex: 2 subs, 1 mono amp)
but wont those fight each other....cuz thats whut my freinds subs were doing one would. with no wall seperating the 2 subs
this is sealed
I thought of this when i was at work...a pack mayo......squeeze one side the mayo goes to the other side. right..........okay try to squeeze both sides the cant expand....the mayo will pop and go everywhere....
like i said above installing that separation board is technically the proper thing 2 do (doesn't cost much extra $ or work 2 do) also it stiffens up ur box & it will give u peace of mind & save ur sub if ever 1 stops functioning - not trying 2 contradict any1 but thats imo .......
I agree that seperate chambers would be better, but the problem i face is trying to seperate the fiberglass box into seperate chambers. I'm still building it and only have the back piece done. I'm just a bit confused on how to add the seperation. Thanks for all of your help.